Monday Madness: Favorite Christmas Episode

It’s hard to believe Christmas will be here in about a week! One of my favorite parts of the season are the awesome holiday episodes shows put out, and now it’s your turn to vote for your favorites! I purposely saved this poll for right before Christmas so I could add in some of 2012’s holiday episodes.

Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, Pinterest, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

I know I’m missing some of your favorite Christmas episodes, so feel free to nominate more episodes on our Facebook page, tweeting me at @waterfallbooks, or by leaving a comment below. Please include both the show and episode name, and yes, you can nominate this year’s holiday episodes! (Be sure to stick with live-action, scripted shows, though it’s fine if just this one episode has some animation, like with a certain Community episode.) Please only nominate Christmas episodes that are part of a regular show, not one-off specials like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or movie-related specials like “Shrek the Halls.”

Without further ado, vote for up to fifteen of the episodes below! Poll will close Sunday night, December 23rd, giving you one week to spread the word!

What's your favorite Christmas episode? (Choose up to 15!)

  • Leverage - The Ho Ho Ho Job (17%, 154 Votes)
  • Supernatural - A Very Supernatural Christmas (8%, 76 Votes)
  • Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion (5%, 43 Votes)
  • Doctor Who - Voyage of the Damned (4%, 35 Votes)
  • Doctor Who - A Christmas Carol (4%, 35 Votes)
  • Doctor Who - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (4%, 34 Votes)
  • The Big Bang Theory - The Bath Gift Item Hypothesis (3%, 31 Votes)
  • Psych - Gus's Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy (3%, 26 Votes)
  • Bones - The Man in the Fallout Shelter (3%, 24 Votes)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Amends (3%, 24 Votes)
  • How I Met Your Mother - How Lily Stole Christmas (2%, 23 Votes)
  • The Big Bang Theory - The Santa Simulation (2%, 22 Votes)
  • Castle - Secret Santa (2%, 21 Votes)
  • NCIS - Faith (2%, 20 Votes)
  • NCIS - Newborn King (2%, 19 Votes)
  • Bones - The Santa in the Slush (2%, 19 Votes)
  • Friends - The One With the Holiday Armadillo (2%, 18 Votes)
  • NCIS - Silent Night (2%, 17 Votes)
  • Psych - Christmas Joy (2%, 17 Votes)
  • How I Met Your Mother - Symphony of Illumination (2%, 16 Votes)
  • The Vampire Diaries - O Come, All Ye Faithful (2%, 15 Votes)
  • Community - Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (2%, 14 Votes)
  • New Girl - Santa (2%, 14 Votes)
  • Psych - The Polarizing Express (2%, 14 Votes)
  • Community - Regional Holiday Music (1%, 13 Votes)
  • Community - Comparative Religion (1%, 13 Votes)
  • Eureka - O Little Town (1%, 12 Votes)
  • Warehouse 13 - Secret Santa (1%, 12 Votes)
  • Eureka - Do You See What I See (1%, 12 Votes)
  • Warehouse 13 - The Greatest Gift (1%, 12 Votes)
  • Arrow - Year's End (1%, 11 Votes)
  • Chuck - Chuck vs Santa Claus (1%, 11 Votes)
  • Veronica Mars - An Echolls Family Christmas (1%, 10 Votes)
  • House - It's a Wonderful Lie (1%, 10 Votes)
  • The OC - The Best Chrismukkah Ever (1%, 9 Votes)
  • Glee - A Very Glee Christmas (1%, 9 Votes)
  • The X-Files - How the Ghosts Stole Christmas (1%, 8 Votes)
  • M*A*S*H - Death Takes a Holiday (1%, 8 Votes)
  • The West Wing - In Excelsis Deo (1%, 6 Votes)
  • Seinfeld - Festivus (1%, 5 Votes)
  • The Office - Dwight Christmas (1%, 5 Votes)
  • The Office - A Benihana Christmas (0%, 4 Votes)
  • Go On - The World Ain't Over 'Til It's Over (0%, 4 Votes)
  • The Office - Christmas Wishes (0%, 4 Votes)
  • Monk - Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa (0%, 4 Votes)
  • The Mindy Project - Josh and Mindy's Christmas Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Suburgatory - Krampus (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Smallville - Lexmas (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Monk - Mr. Monk and the Miracle (0%, 3 Votes)
  • The Neighbors - Merry Crap-mas (0%, 1 Votes)
  • Guys With Kids - Christmas (0%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 276

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Top 10 Favorite TV Couples 2012

We have our winners! Our favorite TV couples ultimate showdown has ended, and now it’s time to see which couples garnered the most votes from you, their fans!

You may notice there’s “2012” at the end of the title above. That because I’ve decided to make this TV couples poll an annual event! Things will change up a little each year. I also plan to continue the spring polls with more specific categories, though I will probably change those the most – maybe divisions for comedies and dramas, or by networks. Stay tuned!

Three of these couples did not make it into their division’s top 10, yet managed to improve their rank against increased opposition. Couples from the realistic division dominated this round, winning 6 of the 10 slots and the top two spots by a large margin. None of the wildcard additions made it into the top 10, with most situated close to the bottom (Nick and Jess from New Girl, despite not being an official couple, made it the highest of the newbies – #19).

Speculative couples got a lot of shakeup from last poll to this one. Once Upon a Time had 3 couples in the top 10, now they have none. Whedonverse shows had a decent showing with 2 couples from Firefly and one from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but none got to the top 10 in this poll. Even the winner of that poll barely garnered a hundred votes this time around.

The realistic couples were much more steady. Each of the five shows represented below also had couples in the top ten of the spring poll, though there was a bit of shuffling as to who from each show made it in.

#10 – Barney and Robin from How I Met Your Mother

This time, How I Met Your Mother fans preferred this destined-to-happen couple (don’t you love those HIMYM flash forwards?) over the rock-solid Marshall and Lily (which were #9 in the realistic show poll) by more than 100 votes. In the spring poll, they were less than 50 behind their friends for a #12 finish.


#9 – McGee and Abby from NCIS

Like Barney and Robin, this NCIS couple just missed making it into the top ten in the spring (#11), but got a better rank this year while getting about the same number of votes. (Hmm, I would who would win if we combined votes? Nah, too much math for me, but you’re welcome to figure that out and post it in the comments!)


#8 – The Doctor and Rose from Doctor Who

I can appreciate this couple more now that I’m partway through season two of the show. Their rank dropped from a #4 in the speculative poll, though they managed to garner an additional hundred votes this time around.


#7 – Booth and Brennan from Bones

In the spring poll, this couple was #6 and was joined by their coworkers Angela and Hodgins at #10. Pretty impressive that they only slipped one spot in the ranking against more competition.


#6 – Scully and Mulder

This couple was ranked #13 in the speculative poll, but the original shippers rallied and got them a spot in the top 10 this time.


#5 – Arthur and Gwen from Merlin

This couple stayed rock-solid in the ranks, earning the #5 spot both times. In this poll, they received 250 more votes, perhaps an acknowledgement of the fact that we soon will be bidding them farewell. In my mind, they tie McAbby for the most adorable couple in this top ten.


#4 – Derek and Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy

This couple made a dramatic comeback in the final days of this poll, going from #32 to #4 in less than 4 days. They also improved over their rank (#5) in the spring poll.


#3 – Elena and Damon from The Vampire Diaries

This couple jumped from #6 in the speculative poll, probably aided by the current plotlines on the show. It’s interesting to note – the day that poll ended was when I tried watching the pilot, probably influenced by how many people had voted for Elena and Damon. (Although it didn’t hook me, I watched 5 episodes in one evening when I gave the show another chance 3 1/2 months later.)


#2 – Tony and Ziva from NCIS

This couple remained at first and second place for most of the poll’s run, and lost by only 123 votes, a marked improvement from their #4 spot in the spring poll. With Tiva heating up, I wouldn’t be surprised if they win next year.


#1 – Castle and Beckett from Castle

The top favorite couple in the realistic division won a much closer race to again emerge victorious! While the spring poll coincided nicely with the season finale that brought these characters together, it’s great to know fans still love Caskett even with the will they/won’t they tension gone.

Which TV couples would be in your top 10?

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Doctor Who – Thoughts on Its 49th Anniversary

I just finished watching “The Girl in the Fireplace” and felt an overwhelming urge to write some thoughts on Doctor Who. Turns out, today is the 49th anniversary of the very first episode airing, so my timing is perfect! (Spoilers through that episode – S2E4 – below!)

I’ll admit that this show has taken a while to hook me, and that’s even after starting with the more modern series. I’d watch an episode, be unimpressed, and then wait months to try another. I finally decided to try a bit harder to get through season one in a timely manner (since I’d heard things got better in season two) around episode six, “Dalek.” That was a decent episode, and even though the Dalek didn’t inspire as much fear on my part as its powers seemed to warrant, it was a vast improvement on the cartoonish villains of early episodes. “The Long Game” had good moments and bad, but the preview for the next episode made me delay getting back to the show (I started Pushing Daisies, did a three-week marathon through The Vampire Diaries, and dealt with the onslaught of new and returning fall shows instead).

The preview was misleading, however – when I finally got around to it, “Father’s Day” became my favorite episode thus far on the show (I’m a sucker for messing-with-personal-history time travel) – until the double whammy of “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances” trumped it. I’d say those were the episodes that hooked me on the show. I think it was a combination of the charismatic Jack Harkness, added humor, the WWII setting (which I adore), and especially the Doctor’s joy when he realized everyone would live. It could have been a cheesy moment, but in that moment, I got it. The countless death the Doctor wades through, trying to save the world. Losing fellow comrades-in-arms, friends, his entire race – gaining victories at terrible costs. And finally one day, when all hope is lost, there is a solution that cures EVERYONE. As awesome as heartbreaking moments of this show are, it was that moment of joy that won me over.

“Boom Town” was a bit of a let-down after that, especially since it signaled the return of one of my least favorite villains. But “Bad Wolf” and “The Parting of the Ways” were great. I knew that Rose “was” Bad Wolf going into the episode, and that the Doctor would regenerate at the end, so that was a bit spoiled for me (plus knowing that Rose wasn’t really dead). The rifts on reality and game shows were fun, even if the only one I’d seen was The Weakest Link. The Daleks still weren’t that scary – maybe if I’d seen them in the classic show?

“The Christmas Invasion” was an interesting return to the modern-day story, this time with a new Doctor in tow. I’m pretty surprised how much Jackie and Mickey have been a part of the show going forward from the first episode of the new series. I’d honestly expected not to see them again after “Rose,” except maybe for a brief cameo when she stopped being a companion (any other sci-fi fans also think of Inara from Firefly whenever that word is used?), but I’m glad they’ve stuck around. More people tend to form a Buffy-like Scooby gang instead of being “two good ol’ boys, behind the wheel, chasing down bad guys” a la Supernatural (bonus points if you knew that quote was from Leverage). This episode also had an interesting parallel to The Avengers – the whole “we know there are aliens out there now, so we have to create weapons using alien technology to protect ourselves” thing. A disappointing turn for Harriet Jones’ character, though.

“New Earth” and “Tooth and Claw” were okay episodes, but definitely not among my favorites. It’s cool how they parallel episodes 2 and 3 of the first season – “New Earth” taking place not long after “The End of the World” and including a common villain and mysterious friend, while “Tooth and Claw” matches “The Unquiet Dead” with famous 19th-century characters and seemingly common supernatural character which were really a form of alien. So now that we’ve had ghosts, zombies, and werewolves, where are the vampires?

“School Reunion” featured Anthony Stewart Head at a school, but sadly no Buffy references (also, IMDb says that no other BtVS actors have shown up in the new series to date). Fans of classic Doctor Who were probably overjoyed to see Sarah Jane again, but I had no previous connection to her, so what I mostly gained was a look at the Doctor’s history. I did enjoy Mickey’s role in this episode, especially his identification with K-9 The robotic dog did seem like it belonged to a younger show, and I’m guessing this episode helped set up the children’s spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures. Unlike Jack Harkness with Torchwood, this episode gave me no inclination to watch the spin-off, and nary a push to watch the classic Doctor Who.

I don’t know how long it would have taken to get hooked on this show if I’d started with the first Doctor, as I tend not to enjoy older shows unless they’re ones I grew up watching. Terrible special effects, bland dialogue, and too-neatly wrapped storylines means I rarely watch any shows airing before the late 90s. While it isn’t exactly the same, I felt no need to watch the old Battlestar Galactica to enjoy the new one, no need to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie to enjoy the show, or the old V to enjoy the new V. I prefer the Addams Family movies to the show, and while the new Beauty and the Beast still makes me cringe too often, I couldn’t even make it through the pilot of the old show. I’m not saying newish is always better with shows and movies (I do love the older Star Wars more), but having done the bulk of my TV watching post 2007, I’ve come to expect a certain level of shiny, or I’m pulled out of the experience.

And now to talk about the episode that got me itching to write this post, “The Girl in the Fireplace.” As I mentioned before, I love episodes that play with time, and this one did it in such a cool way while also being a lovely standalone story. The preview for the episode was just awful, nothing that made me look forward to watching, but it was nice in a way since I was so pleasantly surprised. The idea of a spaceship riddled with portals to various times in one person’s life was so cool, as was Reinette falling in love with the Doctor over the course of her life, while to him it was only about one day. And walking around in each other’s memories created an instant connection that prevent this from being a simple one-episode crush. Plus drunk Doctor was hilarious.

The villains were just the right amount of creepy and logical and fascinating – I also loved the steampunk vibe. And although Rose was supposed to be mad at Mickey in this episode, I liked that they got along, even if their adventures on the ship paled in comparison to 18th century France. It was fun spotting Angel Coulby (Gwen on Merlin) in a scene, and apparently more actors from that show end up on other Who episodes. I knew very little about Madame de Pompadour before watching this episode, though I was proud that I understood Mickey’s reference to Camilla.

The ending of the episode was superb. I didn’t quite believe the Doctor would trap himself in France with no way out, but I think his emotions overruled his logic. (And what were Rose and Mickey supposed to do, stuck on the broke spaceship?) I think it would have been interesting to see what he’d do if he didn’t find the remaining portal right away. As it was, choosing to go back without her, just for a minute, seemed destined to go poorly. It should have been, at the most, several weeks (based on the previous times he’d used that portal, but the unevenness made me think of the Narnia time differences), but six years pass instead, and he arrives just in time to watch her coffin leave the palace. Her letter to him was so sweet and sad. My heart broke for him as he watched the fire burn out.

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Favorite TV Couples Ultimate Showdown

Back when we did our favorite TV couples polls (with realistic and speculative divisions) last spring, I promised that in the fall, we’d have the winners from those polls face each other in an ultimate showdown. Friends, that time is now. The top 20 couples in each of the two polls have joined together with 10 newbie wild card competitors to determine which couples are truly TV’s top 10!

Since this poll will take place over Thanksgiving (for us Americans), I’ll keep the poll open through the end of the month, giving you a full 15 days to get the word out for your favorite couples. You can vote for up to 10 couples, but choose carefully, as you only get to vote once! (Oh, and be sure to enter our Friends giveaway!)

Unlike most of our polls, you can’t nominate other couples, since this is based on the results of two previous polls. Even for our ten wild card additions, I only choose couples that did not appear in the previous polls. Some were overlooked, some are newer shows or newer couples, but I chose 5 from speculative shows and 5 from shows without speculative elements: Brad and Jane from Happy Endings, Nick and Jess from New Girl, Auggie and Annie from Covert Affairs, Troy and Britta from Community, Daniel and Kate from Perception, Oliver and Laurel from Arrow, John and Rachel from Alphas, Fargo and Holly from Eureka, Nathan and Audrey from Haven, and Adama and Roslin from Battlestar Galactica.

Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, Pinterest, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Without further ado, choose your favorite 10 out of the 50 couples below! Poll will close Friday night, November 30th.

Which is your favorite TV couple? (Choose up to 10!)

  • Castle and Beckett (Castle) (9%, 1,283 Votes)
  • Tony and Ziva (NCIS) (8%, 1,160 Votes)
  • Elena and Damon (The Vampire Diaries) (5%, 680 Votes)
  • Derek and Meredith (Grey's Anatomy) (4%, 621 Votes)
  • Arthur and Gwen (Merlin) (4%, 555 Votes)
  • Scully and Mulder (The X-Files) (4%, 517 Votes)
  • Booth and Brennan (Bones) (3%, 474 Votes)
  • The Doctor and Rose (Doctor Who) (3%, 462 Votes)
  • McGee and Abby (NCIS) (3%, 461 Votes)
  • Barney and Robin (How I Met Your Mother) (3%, 398 Votes)
  • Chandler and Monica (Friends) (3%, 389 Votes)
  • Kensi and Deeks (NCIS: Los Angeles) (3%, 387 Votes)
  • Luke and Lorelai (Gilmore Girls) (2%, 330 Votes)
  • Rachel and Ross (Friends) (2%, 311 Votes)
  • Charming and Snow (Once Upon a Time) (2%, 304 Votes)
  • Marshall and Lily (How I Met Your Mother) (2%, 276 Votes)
  • Hodgins and Angela (Bones) (2%, 273 Votes)
  • Buffy and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (2%, 265 Votes)
  • Nick and Jess (New Girl) (2%, 262 Votes)
  • Leonard and Penny (The Big Bang Theory) (2%, 244 Votes)
  • Peter and Olivia (Fringe) (2%, 240 Votes)
  • Chuck and Sarah (Chuck) (2%, 238 Votes)
  • Wash and Zoe (Firefly) (2%, 232 Votes)
  • Peter and Elizabeth (White Collar) (2%, 231 Votes)
  • Mal and Inara (Firefly) (2%, 227 Votes)
  • Leo and Piper (Charmed) (2%, 223 Votes)
  • Rumpelstiltskin and Belle (Once Upon a Time) (2%, 217 Votes)
  • Auggie and Annie (Covert Affairs) (1%, 206 Votes)
  • Sheldon and Amy (The Big Bang Theory) (1%, 192 Votes)
  • Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (1%, 188 Votes)
  • Shawn and Juliet (Psych) (1%, 175 Votes)
  • Emma and Graham (Once Upon a Time) (1%, 170 Votes)
  • Michael and Fiona (Burn Notice) (1%, 169 Votes)
  • Adama and Roslin (Battlestar Galactica) (1%, 166 Votes)
  • Eric and Sookie (True Blood) (1%, 166 Votes)
  • Eric and Nell (NCIS: Los Angeles) (1%, 164 Votes)
  • Elena and Stefan (The Vampire Diaries) (1%, 163 Votes)
  • Simon and Kaylee (Firefly) (1%, 144 Votes)
  • Cole and Phoebe (Charmed) (1%, 138 Votes)
  • Willow and Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (1%, 114 Votes)
  • John and Mary (Supernatural) (1%, 104 Votes)
  • Ned and Chuck (Pushing Daisies) (1%, 97 Votes)
  • Nathan and Audrey (Haven) (1%, 89 Votes)
  • Oliver and Laurel (Arrow) (1%, 85 Votes)
  • Ellie and Awesome (Chuck) (1%, 74 Votes)
  • Troy and Britta (Community) (0%, 53 Votes)
  • Brad and Jane (Happy Endings) (0%, 43 Votes)
  • Daniel and Kate (Perception) (0%, 27 Votes)
  • Fargo and Holly (Eureka) (0%, 26 Votes)
  • John and Rachel (Alphas) (0%, 18 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,413

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Arrow – Damaged

After several insane episodes and a crazy cliffhanger on the last one, I knew Arrow would have to slow down the pace at some point, and this episode was it. But it still was filled with many awesome character moments, even if the coolest action scenes took place 5 years ago on the island.

Spoilers below!

And the island is where this episode started, even though I was dying to find out what would happen after Oliver’s arrest last episode. Oliver steps away for one minute from his island mentor (to retrieve his first poorly-shot arrow – cool that we got to see that) and is captured. He’s questioned by an officer and answers honestly, until the man pulls out a photo of his mentor in military dress and asks if Oliver’s seen him and where he is. Oliver lies (badly), and keeps up the charade of not knowing the guy, even when Deathstroke shows up and starts torturing him. I’m not sure how long it’s been since the shipwreck (Oliver’s hair still looks mostly the same, so I’m guessing only a few weeks), but that’s an amazing amount of loyalty to show for a guy who shot an arrow through your chest. The mentor comes in and rescues Oliver (with a cool fight with Deathstroke) just as the bad guys decide he probably doesn’t know anything and can be killed. The archer is suitably impressed by Oliver not ratting him out, and says there’s more to Oliver than he thought.

The flashbacks neatly parallel Oliver’s present-day arrest and interrogation. He claims he just saw the bag and took it, and that Quentin just has a personal vendetta against him. He asks his mother to request Laurel as his lawyer. Laurel at first refuses, but shows up at his arraignment and gets him out on bail, with a tracking anklet.

Diggle is freaking out (in his calm way) about the arrest, but Oliver tells him he knew about the security camera and was planning to get arrested. The timing of Arrow’s appearance with his return would eventually lead people to figure out who he was, so better to remove himself as a suspect now. To clear his name, he has a plan – let Dig dress up as Arrow and stop an arms dealer while Oliver hosts a “prison party” with plenty of witnesses. It was so fun watching Dig explore all of the cool gadgets in Oliver’s lair!

Oliver and Laurel meet with Quentin and the prosecutor, who offers an insanity plea deal based on Oliver being on the island for so long. Oliver refuses, saying he wants to take a polygraph and convince Quentin of his innocence. The polygraph scene was one of my favorites in the episode, especially since we got to see Laurel’s reaction to Oliver’s answers. Oliver tells Quentin he’s not the vigilante and lies about a few other things surrounding that, but is able to act like he’s telling the truth. Quentin then confronts him with discrepancy between his scars and being alone on the island, and Oliver confesses that he wasn’t alone, but he didn’t want to talk about it, because the people there tortured him. When Quentin asks if he’s killed anyone, Oliver says yes – “Your daughter, Sarah, because I invited her onto my boat.”

Before the party, Thea questions Oliver about the arrowhead he brought back for her, thinking that indicates he’s really the vigilante. Oliver assures her he isn’t, and lies and says he got the arrowhead at an airport gift shop. Meanwhile, their mom and stepdad are dealing with their own issues. Moira assures unnamed-dude-played-by-John-Barrowman (I’ve finally gotten to a few of his episodes on Doctor Who, so I can now see why people are excited that he’s on the show! Also, if they’re going to all this trouble to hide his name, I’m guessing he’ll end up being a significant character from the comics?) that Oliver has been falsely accused. Walter has his head of security move the damaged boat to a different warehouse, but the man turns up dead.

Laurel shows up at the party to apologize for her father. I’ve only been able to pick up a little about the Black Canary from people talking about the comics, but there appears to be two references in this scene. One, she mentions annoying fishnets in one of her Halloween costumes, which are part of the Black Canary’s traditional attire. Two, she talks about how after Sarah died, she and her father retreated to the law while her mother didn’t. In the comics, her mom is the original Black Canary – could this be a hint that the show plans to include that?

Those who were complaining about the chemistry between Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy in the pilot should really watch this scene and the one a little later on. I’m so glad to be right that it would get better (since I’d seen the spark they shared during interviews)! The mix of anger, feigned indifference, attraction, friendship, and sadness Laurel is supposed to feel at any given moment toward Oliver must be a struggle to get right.

Laurel admits, in all her mourning for Sarah, she didn’t think about what Oliver went through on the island. She asks to see his scars and they kiss for a few moments before she bolts out of the room. Diggle calls to report scaring off the bad guys, and Oliver is interrupted by a man, dressed as staff for the party, knocking on his door. He opens it and the man tries to shoot him. They fight, and in the middle Quentin comes in and shoots the guy.

Walter confronts Moira with knowledge of the ship and seems to think she’s behind the head of security’s death. We don’t see the end of their conversation. It’s not clear whether it was interrupted by news of the attack on Oliver, but in a later scene, Walter informs Moira that he’s leaving on an extended business trip to Australia.

Quentin explains that the fight knocked Oliver’s anklet loose, which is why he came up to check on him. Also, he says several witnesses spotted Arrow in another part of town, so he removes the anklet completely and says they’ll be dropping the charges. He doesn’t know who Oliver’s attacker was, but Moira insists that it’s Quentin’s fault for arresting Oliver publicly and putting a target on his back for everyone angry with the vigilante. Oliver thanks Quentin for saving his life.

Moira goes to John Barrowman, and it’s pretty clear he’s calling the shots (so I might have been wrong about Moira being coldblooded – perhaps she found out about the sabotaged boat after the fact? I couldn’t find an exact quote of the earlier conversation). He was the one who killed the head of security and tried to have Oliver killed. Moira tells him she’s been a “good soldier” (is he blackmailing her to keep the same arrangement he had with her late husband?), but, “if any member of my family so much as gets a paper cut, I will burn your entire world to ashes.”

Laurel comes to Oliver with the final polygraph results. There’s a slight waver on the question about whether he’d ever been at the prison (where he rescued Laurel), and she wonders if he remembered their field trip there as teens, or if he’s able to lie well enough to beat a polygraph. Oliver tells her he doesn’t want people to view him as damaged, but he doesn’t sleep, he barely eats, and he can hardly sign his own name – how could he wield a bow and arrow? She tells him that they’re still obviously attracted to each other, but they can never be together. (Cue seasons-long will they/won’t they drama.)

Dig is upset that Oliver’s lying to everyone so easily, and wonders if he really thought through this aspect of his mission – deceiving every one he cares about. Oliver assures him that he thinks about it every day – and heads to take out the arms dealer, who didn’t heed Diggle’s warning. But I’m guessing both Laurel and Thea still aren’t fully convinced that Oliver isn’t Arrow. It’s going to be a lot harder for him to tell anyone else now – it’s one thing to have a secret identity, it’s another to outright deny accusations and purposely mislead, and those who find out will have to get over feeling somewhat betrayed first.

As I said, this was a great episode, even if it lacked jaw-dropping moments like the previous ones had. I’m sad to see Walter go (for a bit at least) – I liked his character more than I expected. I missed Felicity in this episode, and we’ve seen far too little of Tommy lately.

What are your thoughts on the episode?

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Supernatural – Asylum

Okay, when I was making the photo collage for this week’s poll (favorite scary show), I had no idea the random freaky-looking Supernatural image I grabbed would turn out to be from the very episode I ended up watching the same evening! And it was one of Supernatural’s more creepy episodes, which made me regret deciding to watch it so late at night. Ah, well, onto the review!

I bookended watching the episode with two other shows I’m having a hard time getting into (but people/buzz keep telling me I should like), Doctor Who and Arrested Development. I figured perhaps an iffy episode of Doctor Who would make Supernatural seem better by comparison, but I happened to watch one of the most heartfelt episodes – at least so far – of the British show (“Father’s Day”). So it didn’t do Supernatural any favors, but I still thought “Asylum” was pretty decent.

It’s a fairly simple “evil spirits, find the body, salt and burn” episode, set in a creepy asylum. Far too much of the episode seemed to be characters wandering around the place, waiting for ghosts to pop out of any corner (or having them dart around behind the characters’ backs). Both the two cops that visit the place at the beginning of the episode and the two teens caught inside with the brothers later on seemed pretty cardboard – though I did like that the girlfriend knew how to use a shotgun.

As usual, this show rests on the relationship between Dean and Sam, and I am seeing signs of improvement in that area. The scene where Dean pretends to be an annoying reporter, and Sam makes him leave so he can bond with the cop and get answers was humorous. I also liked that Dean knew not to give the spirit-addled Sam a loaded gun – no tearful “I knew you wouldn’t shoot me” moments here.

The good son/rebel son dynamic is getting a bit old, though. As is the tug-of-war between looking for their father and hunting creatures (especially since creatures always win). At least there seems to be some movement on the father end (now that we know he’s just avoiding them) with the phone call at the end of the episode.

Watching this right after an episode of Doctor Who really helped me see the parallels between the two shows and why I’m having trouble getting hooked on both of them. Both have two characters traveling around in a specific vehicle putting their lives in danger saving people from otherworldly attacks. Doctor Who has more reoccurring characters so far, though Supernatural will eventually have more. The visual effects are better on Supernatural, but the storylines are more varied on Doctor Who. I like Dean and Sam better (though only marginally) than the ninth Doctor and Rose, but I know the British dynamic will change in later seasons, while I’m “stuck” with Dean and Sam for the duration of the American show.

My favorite shows, however, tend to have five or more main characters and be set in the same location. Everything from Community to Buffy to How I Met Your Mother to NCIS to The Vampire Diaries fits that mold. Maybe that’s why I never really got into Tru Calling (not enough main characters) or Revolution (characters scattered and on the move).

Anyhow, this was a decent episode of Supernatural, one of the better ones I’ve seen so far. I just hope it doesn’t give me nightmares (remember to not watch future episodes late in the evening!).

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TV Duos Bracket – Semifinals, Day 37

Our first semifinals match is all British: Merlin and Arthur go up against Doctor Who and Donna! Will your vote be for legendary heroes of ancient Camelot, or the last of the Time Lords and his companion?

We still have two quarterfinal matches ongoing – be sure to check out all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the semifinals. (P.S. Be sure to stop by our new show poll as well!)

You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups and most eliminations here. Semifinal matchups are in beige. Each of the semifinal matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pair will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

The second semifinals match will launch a little after midnight on Friday, October 5. Our final match (which will pit the winner of this poll against the winner of that one) will launch shortly after midnight on Monday, October 8.

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 5.1

  • Merlin and Arthur - Merlin (69%, 773 Votes)
  • The Doctor and Donna - Doctor Who (32%, 362 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,127

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TV Duos Bracket – Round Four, Day 33

In our first quarterfinals match, Spike and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (who’ve defeated The Odd Couple’s Oscar & Felix, How I Met Your Mother’s Marshall & Lily, and Star Trek’s Kirk & Spock in previous rounds) face Doctor Who and Donna (who’ve previously defeated Chuck’s Casey & Morgan, Veronica Mars & Logan, and Rizzoli & Isles). Which speculative show duo gets your vote?

Our sixth matchup from round three (Merlin & Arthur vs. Sam & Dean) just finished – be sure to check out the results and all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the next round. (P.S. Be sure to stop by our new show poll as well!)

You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups here (edited to show most of our round three eliminations!). Round four matchups are in purple. Each of the round four matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pair will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 4.1

  • The Doctor and Donna - Doctor Who (54%, 410 Votes)
  • Spike and Buffy - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (47%, 358 Votes)

Total Voters: 759

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TV Duos Bracket – Round Three, Day 29

Next in round three of our TV duos bracket, Rizzoli and Isles face Doctor Who and Donna! Which duo deserves to make it to round 4?

Our second matchup from round three (Castle & Beckett vs. Peter & Neal) just finished – be sure to check out the results and all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the next round. (P.S. Be sure to stop by our new show poll as well!)

You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups here (edited to show most of our round two eliminations!). Round three matchups are in green. Each of the round three matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pairs will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 3.5

  • The Doctor and Donna - Doctor Who (60%, 764 Votes)
  • Rizzoli and Isles - Rizzoli & Isles (40%, 510 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,270

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TV Duos Bracket – Round Two, Day 21

As we wrap up our third week of competition, law enforcement-forensic duos square off as Booth and Brennan of Bones match wits with Rizzoli and Isles, while The Doctor and Donna from Doctor Who face Logan and Veronica Mars.

Our second matchup of round two just finished – be sure to check out the results and all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the next round.

Reminder: While there are romantic pairs in this bracket, that’s only one possible aspect of a duo’s relationship. Duos have fun together, work well together, and/or have hilarious interactions. Simply put, they spark.

You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups here (edited to show all our round one eliminations!). Round two matchups are in burgundy. Each of the round two matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pairs will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 2.9

  • Rizzoli and Isles - Rizzoli & Isles (61%, 256 Votes)
  • Booth and Brennan - Bones (39%, 164 Votes)

Total Voters: 420

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Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 2.10

  • The Doctor and Donna - Doctor Who (80%, 299 Votes)
  • Veronica and Logan - Veronica Mars (21%, 77 Votes)

Total Voters: 375

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TV Duos Bracket – Round One, Day 13

Today we enter the last quarter of round one! Casey and Morgan from Chuck face The Doctor and Donna from Doctor Who (she’s the companion most voted for in our duo-off), and Veronica Mars and Logan battle newbies Wes and Travis from Common Law!

Our day 10 matchups just ended – be sure to check out the results and all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the next round (which will launch in four days!).

Reminder: While there are romantic pairs in this bracket, that’s only one possible aspect of a duo’s relationship. Duos have fun together, work well together, and/or have hilarious interactions. Simply put, they spark.

You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups here (edited to show half of our round one eliminations!). Round one matchups are in teal. Each of the round one matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pairs will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post!

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 1.25

  • The Doctor and Donna - Doctor Who (81%, 170 Votes)
  • Casey and Morgan - Chuck (19%, 40 Votes)

Total Voters: 210

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Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 1.26

  • Veronica and Logan - Veronica Mars (65%, 72 Votes)
  • Wes and Travis - Common Law (35%, 39 Votes)

Total Voters: 111

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2012 TV Olympics Results

The results are in and the votes have been tallied! Tied for the most medals in our 2012 TV Olympics are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural, with 9 medals each! But since Supernatural got 6 gold medals to Buffy’s 4, Supernatural is the winner!

In all, 31 shows went home with medals! Bones received the most medals without taking home a gold, 6. Angel, NCIS, and Psych each took home 5 medals. Once Upon a Time earned 4 medals. The remaining 24 shows took home 3 or less medals, with 20 of those shows only garnering one medal. Castle and Doctor Who took home 3 medals, while NCIS: Los Angeles and Fringe earned 2 each.

See below for the final medal count per show and individual winners for each event, with links to each of our 21 completed mini-polls.


Medal Count

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Poll Medalists

Cutest Couple Name

Gold – Tiva (NCIS)

Silver – Densi (NCIS: Los Angeles)

Bronze – Caskett (Castle)


Best Married Couple

Gold – John and Mary Winchester (Supernatural)

Silver – Snow and Charming (Once Upon a Time)

Bronze – Angela and Hodgins (Bones)


Favorite Newborn to Five-Year-Old Character

Gold – Hope (Raising Hope)

Silver – Christine (Bones)

Bronze – Michael (Bones)


Favorite Elementary-Aged Character

Gold – Henry (Once Upon a Time)

Silver – Young Shawn (Psych)

Bronze – Young Gus (Psych)


Favorite Musical Episode

Gold – “Once More With Feeling” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Silver – “My Musical” (Scrubs)

Bronze – “Song Beneath the Song” (Grey’s Anatomy)


Favorite Animated/Alternate Media Episode

Gold – “Smile Time” (Angel)

Silver – “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” (Fringe)

Bronze – “Digital Estate Planning” (Community)


Most Annoying Teen Character

Tied for Gold – Connor (Angel) and Dawn (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Bronze – Harmony (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


Favorite Crossover Episode

Gold – Doctor Who (Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures) – The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End

Silver – NCIS: Los Angeles (NCIS) – Random on Purpose

Bronze – The Finder (Bones) – Little Green Men


Favorite Halloween Episode

Gold – It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Supernatural)

Silver – Code of Conduct (NCIS)

Bronze – Mummy in the Maze (Bones)


Favorite Thanksgiving Episode

Tied for Gold – Child’s Play (NCIS) and Pangs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Bronze – Slapsgiving (How I Met Your Mother)


Best Vampire Effects and Rules

Gold – Supernatural

Silver – Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Bronze – True Blood


Best Werewolf Effects and Rules

Gold – The Vampire Diaries

Silver – Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Bronze – Teen Wolf


Favorite Dual Role

Gold – Angel/Angelus (David Boreanaz) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Silver – Willow/Vampire Willow (Alyson Hannigan) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bronze – Snow White/Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) – Once Upon a Time


Favorite Switched-Body Performance

Gold – Jared Padalecki as Lucifer – Supernatural

Silver – Matt Cohen as Michael – Supernatural

Bronze – Joanne Kelly as Pete and Eddie McClintock as Myka – Warehouse 13


Favorite TV Animal

Gold – Dragon (Merlin)

Silver – Satchmo (White Collar)

Bronze – Marcel (Friends)


Favorite Dad/Daughter Duo

Gold – Castle and Alexis (Castle)

Silver – Eli and Ziva (NCIS)

Bronze – Max and Temperance (Bones)


Favorite Mother/Son Duo

Gold – Martha and Castle (Castle)

Silver – Emma and Henry (Once Upon a Time)

Bronze – Madeline and Michael (Burn Notice)


Favorite Father/Son Duo/Trio

Gold – John and Dean/Sam (Supernatural)

Silver – Henry and Shawn (Psych)

Bronze – Walter and Peter (Fringe)


Favorite Mother/Daughter Duo

Gold – Ellen and Jo (Supernatural)

Silver – Jackie and Rose (Doctor Who)

Bronze – Amy and River (Doctor Who)


Favorite Hero/Villain on Different Shows

Gold – Timothy Omundson: Carlton Lassiter (hero) on Psych, Phil Constantino (villain) on Jericho

Silver – Jensen Ackles: Dean Winchester (hero) on Supernatural, Ben/X5-493 (villain) on Dark Angel

Bronze – Nathan Fillion: Malcolm Reynolds (hero) on Firefly, Caleb (villain) on Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Favorite Cast-Performed Song

Gold – “Shout” sung by Shawn and Gus (Psych)

Silver – “Thinking of You” sung by Eliot (Leverage)

Bronze – “Dead or Alive” sung by Dean and Sam (Supernatural)

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TV Olympics: Favorite Mom/Daughter Duo

For this round of our TV Olympics (just 2 more rounds left!), we’re looking at mother/daughter duos! While they seem to be a bit more rare on TV than any of our previous duos, there are several distinct shows that feature strong mother/daughter pairs (Gilmore Girls has two of them!).

This poll is for actual mothers (not mother-figures), and since the relationship between mom and daughter is a key part of the poll, they need to have appeared in a number of episodes together, and infant daughters are excluded. There were only a few nominations for this poll, so if you know of any duos you believe should be added, please leave their names and the show in a comment!

Poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 3 of your favorite mother/daughter duos. Remember to keep checking the main event page for all the current polls and results!

What's your favorite mother/daughter duo? (Choose up to 3!)

  • Ellen and Jo - Supernatural (22%, 139 Votes)
  • Jackie and Rose - Doctor Who (17%, 106 Votes)
  • Amy and River - Doctor Who (14%, 87 Votes)
  • Lorelai and Rory - Gilmore Girls (12%, 79 Votes)
  • Snow White and Emma - Once Upon a Time (11%, 68 Votes)
  • Angela and Jane - Rizzoli & Isles (8%, 48 Votes)
  • Joyce and Buffy - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (7%, 43 Votes)
  • Emily and Lorelai - Gilmore Girls (5%, 30 Votes)
  • Willie Ray and Brenda - The Closer (3%, 18 Votes)
  • Ella and Aria - Pretty Little Liars (3%, 18 Votes)

Total Voters: 349

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TV Olympics: Favorite Crossover Episode

I love crossover episodes – when characters from one show guest star on another. Often, this happens when one show is spun off from another. Since the shows are already set in the same “universe,” it makes crossover episodes easier, and you get the opportunity to see characters interacting who haven’t for a while. Other times, two similar shows are on the same network when it’s decided to have them do a crossover event (which sometimes creates logical inconsistencies, like with the Warehouse 13 and Eureka crossovers – main cast from both shows had previously guest starred on the other show, as different characters!).

I will be awarding medals to both (or all three) shows in each crossover. If I’ve missed some great crossover episodes, please let me know in the comments! I purposely am not including “planted pilot” episodes (like “The Finder” episode of Bones, or the two-part “Legend” episode of NCIS that launched NCIS: Los Angeles). This poll is about two (or three) shows connecting after both shows exist.

Poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 3 of your favorite crossover episodes. Remember to keep checking the main event page for all the current polls and results!

What's your favorite crossover episode? (Choose up to 3!)

  • Doctor Who (Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures) - The Stolen Earth and Journey's End (13%, 45 Votes)
  • NCIS: Los Angeles (NCIS) - Random on Purpose (11%, 40 Votes)
  • The Finder (Bones) - Little Green Men (11%, 38 Votes)
  • The Finder (Bones) - Bullets (9%, 30 Votes)
  • Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - I Will Remember You (8%, 28 Votes)
  • CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY - Bone Voyage, Hammer Down, The Lost Girls (7%, 24 Votes)
  • NCIS: Los Angeles (Hawaii Five-O) - Touch of Death (7%, 23 Votes)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Angel) - Pangs (6%, 20 Votes)
  • Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Five By Five (5%, 19 Votes)
  • Eureka (Warehouse 13) - Crossing Over (5%, 16 Votes)
  • Warehouse 13 (Eureka) - Don't Hate the Player (4%, 14 Votes)
  • Hawaii Five-O (NCIS: Los Angeles) - Pa Make Loa (3%, 12 Votes)
  • Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - In the Dark (3%, 12 Votes)
  • Hawaii Five-O (NCIS: Los Angeles) - Ka Hakaka Maika'i (3%, 11 Votes)
  • Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Orpheus (3%, 11 Votes)
  • Warehouse 13 (Eureka) - 13.1 (3%, 10 Votes)

Total Voters: 160

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2012 TV Olympics

Welcome, voters! TV Breakroom is hosting an Olympic-themed competition between scripted live-action TV shows, and you decide which shows take home the medals!

Every day during this event, a new mini-poll will launch, and you’ll have one week to vote. The top three answers in each mini-poll will receive medals (gold, silver, and bronze), which will be awarded to their respective shows.

Here on the main event page, you will find:

  • Links to current and past polls
  • Schedule of upcoming polls
  • Medal winners for completed polls
  • Up-to-date medal tally by show

You may want to bookmark this page and come back to it over this four-week event! Here you can also add late nominations in the comments for current and upcoming polls.

Event is Over!

Click here for our results post.


Medal Count

[table id=1 /]


Poll Medalists

Cutest Couple Name

Gold – Tiva (NCIS)

Silver – Densi (NCIS: Los Angeles)

Bronze – Caskett (Castle)


Best Married Couple

Gold – John and Mary Winchester (Supernatural)

Silver – Snow and Charming (Once Upon a Time)

Bronze – Angela and Hodgins (Bones)


Favorite Newborn to Five-Year-Old Character

Gold – Hope (Raising Hope)

Silver – Christine (Bones)

Bronze – Michael (Bones)


Favorite Elementary-Aged Character

Gold – Henry (Once Upon a Time)

Silver – Young Shawn (Psych)

Bronze – Young Gus (Psych)


Favorite Musical Episode

Gold – “Once More With Feeling” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Silver – “My Musical” (Scrubs)

Bronze – “Song Beneath the Song” (Grey’s Anatomy)


Favorite Animated/Alternate Media Episode

Gold – “Smile Time” (Angel)

Silver – “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” (Fringe)

Bronze – “Digital Estate Planning” (Community)


Most Annoying Teen Character

Tied for Gold – Connor (Angel) and Dawn (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Bronze – Harmony (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


Favorite Crossover Episode

Gold – Doctor Who (Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures) – The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End

Silver – NCIS: Los Angeles (NCIS) – Random on Purpose

Bronze – The Finder (Bones) – Little Green Men


Favorite Halloween Episode

Gold – It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Supernatural)

Silver – Code of Conduct (NCIS)

Bronze – Mummy in the Maze (Bones)


Favorite Thanksgiving Episode

Tied for Gold – Child’s Play (NCIS) and Pangs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Bronze – Slapsgiving (How I Met Your Mother)


Best Vampire Effects and Rules

Gold – Supernatural

Silver – Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Bronze – True Blood


Best Werewolf Effects and Rules

Gold – The Vampire Diaries

Silver – Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Bronze – Teen Wolf


Favorite Dual Role

Gold – Angel/Angelus (David Boreanaz) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Silver – Willow/Vampire Willow (Alyson Hannigan) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bronze – Snow White/Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) – Once Upon a Time


Favorite Switched-Body Performance

Gold – Jared Padalecki as Lucifer – Supernatural

Silver – Matt Cohen as Michael – Supernatural

Bronze – Joanne Kelly as Pete and Eddie McClintock as Myka – Warehouse 13


Favorite TV Animal

Gold – Dragon (Merlin)

Silver – Satchmo (White Collar)

Bronze – Marcel (Friends)


Favorite Dad/Daughter Duo

Gold – Castle and Alexis (Castle)

Silver – Eli and Ziva (NCIS)

Bronze – Max and Temperance (Bones)


Favorite Mother/Son Duo

Gold – Martha and Castle (Castle)

Silver – Emma and Henry (Once Upon a Time)

Bronze – Madeline and Michael (Burn Notice)


Favorite Father/Son Duo/Trio

Gold – John and Dean/Sam (Supernatural)

Silver – Henry and Shawn (Psych)

Bronze – Walter and Peter (Fringe)


Favorite Mother/Daughter Duo

Gold – Ellen and Jo (Supernatural)

Silver – Jackie and Rose (Doctor Who)

Bronze – Amy and River (Doctor Who)


Favorite Hero/Villain on Different Shows

Gold – Timothy Omundson: Carlton Lassiter (hero) on Psych, Phil Constantino (villain) on Jericho

Silver – Jensen Ackles: Dean Winchester (hero) on Supernatural, Ben/X5-493 (villain) on Dark Angel

Bronze – Nathan Fillion: Malcolm Reynolds (hero) on Firefly, Caleb (villain) on Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Favorite Cast-Performed Song

Gold – “Shout” sung by Shawn and Gus (Psych)

Silver – “Thinking of You” sung by Eliot (Leverage)

Bronze – “Dead or Alive” sung by Dean and Sam (Supernatural)

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