Best TV Show Flashbacks Poll

Which TV show has the best flashbacks? That’s the question you get to answer in this week’s poll! Flashbacks add depth to current storylines and allow us to understand characters’ motivations, and range from heartrending to hilarious.

You can nominate shows missing from the poll below, but be sure the show has a significant amount of flashbacks to be included. The show should have a minimum of two episodes with a large portion of the episode as flashback, preferably more, and they should have some impact on the story/characters (a brief explanation would be appreciated!).  I’ve added some flashback explanations to a few of the shows in the poll, but they are to jog your memory, not represent every flashback in the show. (One more note – I’ve put Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel as one option since their flashbacks revolve around the same characters for the most part.)

Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, Pinterest, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Our next poll will be favorite Christmas episodes! Feel free to nominate episodes on our Facebook page, tweeting me at @waterfallbooks, or by leaving a comment below. Please include both the show and episode name, and yes, you can nominate this year’s holiday episodes!

Without further ado, choose up to ten of the shows below, but be sure to vote based on how awesome the flashbacks are! Poll will close Friday night, December 15th, giving you about a week and a half to spread the word!

Which TV show has the best flashbacks? (Choose up to 10!)

  • Once Upon a Time (Fairy Tale Land) (12%, 121 Votes)
  • Leverage (recreated past stories) (10%, 105 Votes)
  • How I Met Your Mother (Robin Sparkles, hippie Barney, college Ted, Marshall, and Lily) (10%, 102 Votes)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel (pasts of Darla, Angel, Drusilla, and Spike) (9%, 91 Votes)
  • Supernatural (8%, 78 Votes)
  • The Vampire Diaries (pasts of Damon, Stefan, Katherine, and Klaus) (7%, 71 Votes)
  • Psych (7%, 70 Votes)
  • Lost (5%, 53 Votes)
  • Friends (5%, 48 Votes)
  • Arrow (scenes on the island) (4%, 43 Votes)
  • Person of Interest (4%, 42 Votes)
  • NCIS (Gibbs' and Tony's pasts) (4%, 39 Votes)
  • White Collar (3%, 32 Votes)
  • Criminal Minds (3%, 27 Votes)
  • True Blood (2%, 22 Votes)
  • Pushing Daisies (2%, 20 Votes)
  • Nikita (1%, 14 Votes)
  • Highlander (1%, 13 Votes)
  • Being Human (BBC) (1%, 11 Votes)
  • Revolution (1%, 9 Votes)
  • Being Human (Syfy) (1%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 421

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Update – here are some pics I’ve edited to promote the poll! Now you have additional images you can pin on Pinterest, or you can share them on Tumblr, Facebook, and more! I’m working on getting more for the other shows, but you can help out by creating your own!

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Doctor Who – Thoughts on Its 49th Anniversary

I just finished watching “The Girl in the Fireplace” and felt an overwhelming urge to write some thoughts on Doctor Who. Turns out, today is the 49th anniversary of the very first episode airing, so my timing is perfect! (Spoilers through that episode – S2E4 – below!)

I’ll admit that this show has taken a while to hook me, and that’s even after starting with the more modern series. I’d watch an episode, be unimpressed, and then wait months to try another. I finally decided to try a bit harder to get through season one in a timely manner (since I’d heard things got better in season two) around episode six, “Dalek.” That was a decent episode, and even though the Dalek didn’t inspire as much fear on my part as its powers seemed to warrant, it was a vast improvement on the cartoonish villains of early episodes. “The Long Game” had good moments and bad, but the preview for the next episode made me delay getting back to the show (I started Pushing Daisies, did a three-week marathon through The Vampire Diaries, and dealt with the onslaught of new and returning fall shows instead).

The preview was misleading, however – when I finally got around to it, “Father’s Day” became my favorite episode thus far on the show (I’m a sucker for messing-with-personal-history time travel) – until the double whammy of “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances” trumped it. I’d say those were the episodes that hooked me on the show. I think it was a combination of the charismatic Jack Harkness, added humor, the WWII setting (which I adore), and especially the Doctor’s joy when he realized everyone would live. It could have been a cheesy moment, but in that moment, I got it. The countless death the Doctor wades through, trying to save the world. Losing fellow comrades-in-arms, friends, his entire race – gaining victories at terrible costs. And finally one day, when all hope is lost, there is a solution that cures EVERYONE. As awesome as heartbreaking moments of this show are, it was that moment of joy that won me over.

“Boom Town” was a bit of a let-down after that, especially since it signaled the return of one of my least favorite villains. But “Bad Wolf” and “The Parting of the Ways” were great. I knew that Rose “was” Bad Wolf going into the episode, and that the Doctor would regenerate at the end, so that was a bit spoiled for me (plus knowing that Rose wasn’t really dead). The rifts on reality and game shows were fun, even if the only one I’d seen was The Weakest Link. The Daleks still weren’t that scary – maybe if I’d seen them in the classic show?

“The Christmas Invasion” was an interesting return to the modern-day story, this time with a new Doctor in tow. I’m pretty surprised how much Jackie and Mickey have been a part of the show going forward from the first episode of the new series. I’d honestly expected not to see them again after “Rose,” except maybe for a brief cameo when she stopped being a companion (any other sci-fi fans also think of Inara from Firefly whenever that word is used?), but I’m glad they’ve stuck around. More people tend to form a Buffy-like Scooby gang instead of being “two good ol’ boys, behind the wheel, chasing down bad guys” a la Supernatural (bonus points if you knew that quote was from Leverage). This episode also had an interesting parallel to The Avengers – the whole “we know there are aliens out there now, so we have to create weapons using alien technology to protect ourselves” thing. A disappointing turn for Harriet Jones’ character, though.

“New Earth” and “Tooth and Claw” were okay episodes, but definitely not among my favorites. It’s cool how they parallel episodes 2 and 3 of the first season – “New Earth” taking place not long after “The End of the World” and including a common villain and mysterious friend, while “Tooth and Claw” matches “The Unquiet Dead” with famous 19th-century characters and seemingly common supernatural character which were really a form of alien. So now that we’ve had ghosts, zombies, and werewolves, where are the vampires?

“School Reunion” featured Anthony Stewart Head at a school, but sadly no Buffy references (also, IMDb says that no other BtVS actors have shown up in the new series to date). Fans of classic Doctor Who were probably overjoyed to see Sarah Jane again, but I had no previous connection to her, so what I mostly gained was a look at the Doctor’s history. I did enjoy Mickey’s role in this episode, especially his identification with K-9 The robotic dog did seem like it belonged to a younger show, and I’m guessing this episode helped set up the children’s spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures. Unlike Jack Harkness with Torchwood, this episode gave me no inclination to watch the spin-off, and nary a push to watch the classic Doctor Who.

I don’t know how long it would have taken to get hooked on this show if I’d started with the first Doctor, as I tend not to enjoy older shows unless they’re ones I grew up watching. Terrible special effects, bland dialogue, and too-neatly wrapped storylines means I rarely watch any shows airing before the late 90s. While it isn’t exactly the same, I felt no need to watch the old Battlestar Galactica to enjoy the new one, no need to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie to enjoy the show, or the old V to enjoy the new V. I prefer the Addams Family movies to the show, and while the new Beauty and the Beast still makes me cringe too often, I couldn’t even make it through the pilot of the old show. I’m not saying newish is always better with shows and movies (I do love the older Star Wars more), but having done the bulk of my TV watching post 2007, I’ve come to expect a certain level of shiny, or I’m pulled out of the experience.

And now to talk about the episode that got me itching to write this post, “The Girl in the Fireplace.” As I mentioned before, I love episodes that play with time, and this one did it in such a cool way while also being a lovely standalone story. The preview for the episode was just awful, nothing that made me look forward to watching, but it was nice in a way since I was so pleasantly surprised. The idea of a spaceship riddled with portals to various times in one person’s life was so cool, as was Reinette falling in love with the Doctor over the course of her life, while to him it was only about one day. And walking around in each other’s memories created an instant connection that prevent this from being a simple one-episode crush. Plus drunk Doctor was hilarious.

The villains were just the right amount of creepy and logical and fascinating – I also loved the steampunk vibe. And although Rose was supposed to be mad at Mickey in this episode, I liked that they got along, even if their adventures on the ship paled in comparison to 18th century France. It was fun spotting Angel Coulby (Gwen on Merlin) in a scene, and apparently more actors from that show end up on other Who episodes. I knew very little about Madame de Pompadour before watching this episode, though I was proud that I understood Mickey’s reference to Camilla.

The ending of the episode was superb. I didn’t quite believe the Doctor would trap himself in France with no way out, but I think his emotions overruled his logic. (And what were Rose and Mickey supposed to do, stuck on the broke spaceship?) I think it would have been interesting to see what he’d do if he didn’t find the remaining portal right away. As it was, choosing to go back without her, just for a minute, seemed destined to go poorly. It should have been, at the most, several weeks (based on the previous times he’d used that portal, but the unevenness made me think of the Narnia time differences), but six years pass instead, and he arrives just in time to watch her coffin leave the palace. Her letter to him was so sweet and sad. My heart broke for him as he watched the fire burn out.

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Gone Too Soon – TV Shows That Never Should’ve Been Canceled

Guest post by Andy Johnson. If you would like to submit your own guest post, please contact me.

Some TV shows were taken from us before their time. In a respectful act of tribute, we share our top picks for TV shows that were cancelled prematurely, leaving us longing for more.


After four seasons, NBC pulled the plug on this revolutionary show that seemed poised to take primetime viewing in an entirely new direction. The first season introduced us to ordinary people who discover they have super powers, including an indestructible cheerleader and one of the best super villains ever. The show captured the attention of a staggering 17 million viewers in the first season, but a steady decline in viewership, and a writers’ strike-induced eroding storyline, eventually led to the show’s demise. However, “Heroes” was poised to make a comeback and NBC should have given it at least one more season to go out the way it came in.

“My Own Worst Enemy”

“My Own Worst Enemy” had a smart, witty premise that also packed quite a punch. Christian Slater played the dual roles of regular suburban hubby and dad Henry Spivey, who was really a deadly secret agent called Edward Albright – except good, ol’ Henry had no idea about his double life. The twist was a first episode glitch that caused the worlds to collide, leaving Henry in some sticky situations he had no idea how to survive. The idea was fresh, the writing was good, the actors were entertaining and engaging (Alfre Woodard and Taylor Lautner also starred) – what gives? This show got its pink slip after only nine episodes, hardly long enough in our minds, and the 5.2 million viewers who got pulled in by the mind-control espionage spy games would agree.

“Pushing Daisies”

This delightfully imaginative show looked like nothing else on primetime. The characters, writing and intelligent, fast-paced, quirky humor matched the beautiful artistry of the show’s presentation. Ned the Piemaker barely got started using his ability to bring the dead back to life before ABC put “Pushing Daisies” on the chopping block. Once again, ratings and the unfortunate interference of the writers’ strike were blamed for the show’s early passing. Fans protested that the network didn’t give the show the proper promotional push to gain an audience that could appreciate the clever premise and artistic fantasy world of what may be the most original and visually satisfying show to air in decades.


This show, about a slacker firstborn son promised to the devil in exchange for his father’s life, short-changed not only the ruler of the underworld but all the fans of this comic drama during its two-season run. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that a smart, original show like “Reaper” couldn’t survive on a network like the CW that tends more toward teen and young adult soap operas like “Gossip Girl” and “The Vampire Diaries,” but it still hurts. Perhaps the show was misplaced and that’s why it couldn’t gain the traction needed to endure, despite being well-received at Comic-Con and heroic attempts to keep the series alive as part of the Sci-Fi channel’s reboot as Syfy. Regardless, the show left viewers hanging and should have been given the chance to reap souls for another season or two.

“Arrested Development”

Anyone who ever caught even part of an episode of this sitcom knows that the cancellation of “Arrested Development” was one of the biggest TV travesties of all time. And people haven’t stopped talking about it since it happened in 2006. That alone has to say something about this in-your-face show about a dysfunctional family chasing the American dream. The show’s demise came on the heels of much critical acclaim and less regular viewership. It seems, however, that cutting this cult hit down in its prime prompted rumors that another season might be making an appearance on Netflix, but no one has confirmed this. [Katie: It has been confirmed – filming started this fall, with plans for a spring 2013 release.]

What other TV shows do you think got canceled too soon?

Andy has lived in several different areas of the United States, but always calls Utah home. He wrote articles for a local paper about outdoor recreation with pets before joining the USDish team in 2010. When he is not watching outdoor adventure programs on Animal Planet, The History Channel, or The National Geographic Channel, Andy can be found hiking in the red rock deserts of the Southwest.

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Favorite TV Couples Ultimate Showdown

Back when we did our favorite TV couples polls (with realistic and speculative divisions) last spring, I promised that in the fall, we’d have the winners from those polls face each other in an ultimate showdown. Friends, that time is now. The top 20 couples in each of the two polls have joined together with 10 newbie wild card competitors to determine which couples are truly TV’s top 10!

Since this poll will take place over Thanksgiving (for us Americans), I’ll keep the poll open through the end of the month, giving you a full 15 days to get the word out for your favorite couples. You can vote for up to 10 couples, but choose carefully, as you only get to vote once! (Oh, and be sure to enter our Friends giveaway!)

Unlike most of our polls, you can’t nominate other couples, since this is based on the results of two previous polls. Even for our ten wild card additions, I only choose couples that did not appear in the previous polls. Some were overlooked, some are newer shows or newer couples, but I chose 5 from speculative shows and 5 from shows without speculative elements: Brad and Jane from Happy Endings, Nick and Jess from New Girl, Auggie and Annie from Covert Affairs, Troy and Britta from Community, Daniel and Kate from Perception, Oliver and Laurel from Arrow, John and Rachel from Alphas, Fargo and Holly from Eureka, Nathan and Audrey from Haven, and Adama and Roslin from Battlestar Galactica.

Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, Pinterest, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post, or you can mouse over the image above!

Without further ado, choose your favorite 10 out of the 50 couples below! Poll will close Friday night, November 30th.

Which is your favorite TV couple? (Choose up to 10!)

  • Castle and Beckett (Castle) (9%, 1,283 Votes)
  • Tony and Ziva (NCIS) (8%, 1,160 Votes)
  • Elena and Damon (The Vampire Diaries) (5%, 680 Votes)
  • Derek and Meredith (Grey's Anatomy) (4%, 621 Votes)
  • Arthur and Gwen (Merlin) (4%, 555 Votes)
  • Scully and Mulder (The X-Files) (4%, 517 Votes)
  • Booth and Brennan (Bones) (3%, 474 Votes)
  • The Doctor and Rose (Doctor Who) (3%, 462 Votes)
  • McGee and Abby (NCIS) (3%, 461 Votes)
  • Barney and Robin (How I Met Your Mother) (3%, 398 Votes)
  • Chandler and Monica (Friends) (3%, 389 Votes)
  • Kensi and Deeks (NCIS: Los Angeles) (3%, 387 Votes)
  • Luke and Lorelai (Gilmore Girls) (2%, 330 Votes)
  • Rachel and Ross (Friends) (2%, 311 Votes)
  • Charming and Snow (Once Upon a Time) (2%, 304 Votes)
  • Marshall and Lily (How I Met Your Mother) (2%, 276 Votes)
  • Hodgins and Angela (Bones) (2%, 273 Votes)
  • Buffy and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (2%, 265 Votes)
  • Nick and Jess (New Girl) (2%, 262 Votes)
  • Leonard and Penny (The Big Bang Theory) (2%, 244 Votes)
  • Peter and Olivia (Fringe) (2%, 240 Votes)
  • Chuck and Sarah (Chuck) (2%, 238 Votes)
  • Wash and Zoe (Firefly) (2%, 232 Votes)
  • Peter and Elizabeth (White Collar) (2%, 231 Votes)
  • Mal and Inara (Firefly) (2%, 227 Votes)
  • Leo and Piper (Charmed) (2%, 223 Votes)
  • Rumpelstiltskin and Belle (Once Upon a Time) (2%, 217 Votes)
  • Auggie and Annie (Covert Affairs) (1%, 206 Votes)
  • Sheldon and Amy (The Big Bang Theory) (1%, 192 Votes)
  • Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (1%, 188 Votes)
  • Shawn and Juliet (Psych) (1%, 175 Votes)
  • Emma and Graham (Once Upon a Time) (1%, 170 Votes)
  • Michael and Fiona (Burn Notice) (1%, 169 Votes)
  • Adama and Roslin (Battlestar Galactica) (1%, 166 Votes)
  • Eric and Sookie (True Blood) (1%, 166 Votes)
  • Eric and Nell (NCIS: Los Angeles) (1%, 164 Votes)
  • Elena and Stefan (The Vampire Diaries) (1%, 163 Votes)
  • Simon and Kaylee (Firefly) (1%, 144 Votes)
  • Cole and Phoebe (Charmed) (1%, 138 Votes)
  • Willow and Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (1%, 114 Votes)
  • John and Mary (Supernatural) (1%, 104 Votes)
  • Ned and Chuck (Pushing Daisies) (1%, 97 Votes)
  • Nathan and Audrey (Haven) (1%, 89 Votes)
  • Oliver and Laurel (Arrow) (1%, 85 Votes)
  • Ellie and Awesome (Chuck) (1%, 74 Votes)
  • Troy and Britta (Community) (0%, 53 Votes)
  • Brad and Jane (Happy Endings) (0%, 43 Votes)
  • Daniel and Kate (Perception) (0%, 27 Votes)
  • Fargo and Holly (Eureka) (0%, 26 Votes)
  • John and Rachel (Alphas) (0%, 18 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,413

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Pilot Orders from Syfy, CBS, and more

Some cool and/or interesting pilot news has been revealed over the past week or so.

Most recently, Syfy has ordered a ninety-minute pilot from Pushing Daisies’ Bryan Fuller. Based on a 1969 science fiction novel, High Moon looks at a future where colonies have been established on the moon to mine its resources, and what happens when a new life form is discovered.

Syfy also has ordered a put pilot (a pilot contracted to make it onto TV, or the network will have to pay stiff penalties) from M. Night Shyamalan and Marti Noxon (best known for her work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Proof focuses on the son of a billionaire tech genius who, after his parents’ passing, offers a huge reward for anyone who can provide proof of life after death.

CBS is looking at rebooting The Brady Bunch, with help from Vince Vaughn. The potential show (only a script has been ordered so far) would be a multi-camera comedy (which is one filmed on a soundstage, with live audience/laugh track) focusing on Bobby Brady (the youngest son in the original show), now a divorced and remarried father. His wife also has children from a previous relationship, and the two have one child together. The show will juggle both the blended family and issues with both of the couple’s exes.

CBS has also contracted former Community showrunner Dan Harmon for a multi-camera comedy script. This is in addition to Fox’s near-contact with him for another comedy, also likely multi-camera.

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Monday Madness: Favorite TV Couples – Speculative

In part two of our TV couples Monday Madness, we’re looking at couples in speculative TV shows! Whether it’s sci fi, fantasy, paranormal, historical myths, or just a futuristic bent, these shows all have something out of the ordinary, even if the couples in them are perfectly normal human beings.

This poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 10 of your favorite TV couples. Be sure to spread the word so your favorites will make it into the top 10!

Even though there are 40-some options on this list, I know there are dozens of couples I left out! You can nominate couples I missed in the comments, and I may add them to the poll. Want more of a say in who makes it onto the poll each week? Be sure to follow me on Twitter, since I usually ask for nominations for the next Monday Madness the weekend before the new poll. Please help out with nominations! There are only so many shows I can watch personally, so I’m counting on you to fill me in!

Without further ado, here’s the poll for this week’s Monday Madness! Voting ends around 1AM June 4th.

UPDATE: poll has ended. Go vote in this week’s poll!

Which is your favorite TV couple? - Speculative Division (Choose up to 10)

  • Mary and John Winchester - Supernatural (14%, 959 Votes)
  • Rumpelstiltskin and Belle - Once Upon a TIme (9%, 608 Votes)
  • Charming and Snow - Once Upon a Time (6%, 414 Votes)
  • The Doctor and Rose - Doctor Who (5%, 352 Votes)
  • Arthur and Gwen - Merlin (4%, 301 Votes)
  • Elena and Damon - The Vampire Diaries (4%, 283 Votes)
  • Emma and Graham - Once Upon a Time (4%, 256 Votes)
  • Buffy and Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3%, 235 Votes)
  • Mal and Inara - Firefly (3%, 223 Votes)
  • Wash and Zoe - Firefly (3%, 213 Votes)
  • Leo and Piper - Charmed (3%, 209 Votes)
  • Buffy and Angel - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3%, 190 Votes)
  • Scully and Mulder - The X-Files (3%, 178 Votes)
  • Ned and Chuck - Pushing Daisies (2%, 172 Votes)
  • Simon and Kaylee - Firefly (2%, 161 Votes)
  • Eric and Sookie - True Blood (2%, 154 Votes)
  • Peter and Olivia - Fringe (2%, 149 Votes)
  • Willow and Oz - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2%, 144 Votes)
  • Cole and Phoebe - Charmed (2%, 139 Votes)
  • Elena and Stefan - The Vampire Diaries (2%, 130 Votes)
  • Lois and Clark - Smallville (2%, 126 Votes)
  • Wesley and Fred - Angel (2%, 113 Votes)
  • Jack and Sam - Stargate SG-1 (2%, 111 Votes)
  • Xander and Anya - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2%, 110 Votes)
  • Mick and Beth - Moonlight (1%, 85 Votes)
  • Robin and Marion - Robin Hood (1%, 77 Votes)
  • Monroe and Rosalee - Grimm (1%, 74 Votes)
  • John and Aeryn - Farscape (1%, 74 Votes)
  • Max and Logan - Dark Angel (1%, 72 Votes)
  • Bill and Sookie - True Blood (1%, 72 Votes)
  • Nick and Juliette - Grimm (1%, 63 Votes)
  • Max and Liz - Roswell (1%, 63 Votes)
  • Jo and Zane - Eureka (1%, 63 Votes)
  • Sierra and Victor - Dollhouse (1%, 59 Votes)
  • Hoyt and Jessica - True Blood (1%, 55 Votes)
  • The Doctor and River Song - Doctor Who (1%, 52 Votes)
  • Fargo - Eureka and Claudia - Warehouse 13 (1%, 52 Votes)
  • Carter and Allison - Eureka (1%, 51 Votes)
  • Tru and Luc - Tru Calling (1%, 38 Votes)
  • Echo and Paul - Dollhouse (1%, 35 Votes)
  • George and Nina - Being Human (UK) (0%, 30 Votes)
  • Angel and Cordelia - Angel (0%, 24 Votes)
  • Josh and Nora - Being Human (US) (0%, 21 Votes)
  • Kara and Anders - Battlestar Galatica (0%, 15 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,191

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Continue reading Monday Madness: Favorite TV Couples – Speculative

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Top 10 Canceled Shows That Should Return

The votes are in! A record-setting 9043 people voted for which shows they’d like to see return. Shows were limited to ones that had 3 seasons or less. Here are the results for TV Breakroom’s first-ever Monday Madness poll!

Number 10: Jericho

This show about a small town impacted by a nuclear event barely made it into the top 10, being only 3 votes away from #11, Dark Angel. After it was canceled following its freshman season, fans were able to bring it back for a 7-episode second season. The story continued in comic form, and there are still movie rumors spreading around.

Continue reading Top 10 Canceled Shows That Should Return

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Monday Madness: What Canceled TV Show Should Return?

Since so many people stopped by this site for March Madness, I wanted to continue the whole Madness thing, this time with actual polls (so if things go crazy like they did with Psych vs. Castle I won’t have to count up 600 votes!). More people seemed to stop by to vote on Mondays, no matter when the bracket match ended, so I decided to continue the “M” trend with weekly match-ups/polls/competitions, and dubbed them “Monday Madness.”

This very first Monday Madness focuses on those beloved shows that ended far too quickly. Sometimes it was a lack of viewers, sometimes schedule changes and episode rearrangement, sometimes poor promotion and network mismanagement. But all of the shows have a dedication group of fans who mourn the small amount of episodes available.

But which of those canceled shows deserves to be brought back? I know most of the cast has moved on to other projects, but if you could, which shows would you bring back?

You can choose up to 10 of the thirty shows below, and if I’ve missed any of your favorites, let me know by voting in the comments! I’ve limited this poll to shows that had 3 seasons or less – if a show gets to four seasons, that usually means syndication, and I don’t want this to be about shows that made it, but the underdogs that need a second chance at life.

You’ll notice that Arrested Development is missing from this poll, because that show has already beat incredible odds to garner another season, thanks to Netflix!

I’ll announce the top 10 canceled shows that should return next week, so be sure to vote and pass along the link so your favorite shows can make it! Again, if I’ve missed a show (canceled with 3 seasons or less), vote in the comments, and I’ll total up those votes against the poll leaderboard.

Update: This poll is closed, and I will be posting about the top 10 soon. But the Monday Madness isn’t over! Go vote for your favorite quirky character!

Which TV show would you bring back if you could? (you can select up to 10)

  • Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles (38%, 6,990 Votes)
  • The Cape (21%, 3,779 Votes)
  • Firefly (11%, 2,052 Votes)
  • V (4%, 730 Votes)
  • Dollhouse (3%, 638 Votes)
  • Pushing Daisies (2%, 414 Votes)
  • Veronica Mars (2%, 389 Votes)
  • Dead Like Me (2%, 307 Votes)
  • Freaks and Geeks (2%, 278 Votes)
  • Jericho (1%, 241 Votes)
  • Dark Angel (1%, 238 Votes)
  • Better Off Ted (1%, 230 Votes)
  • FlashForward (1%, 224 Votes)
  • Wonderfalls (1%, 182 Votes)
  • Deadwood (1%, 172 Votes)
  • Life (1%, 158 Votes)
  • Tru Calling (1%, 151 Votes)
  • Moonlight (1%, 147 Votes)
  • Roswell (1%, 127 Votes)
  • My So-Called Life (1%, 119 Votes)
  • No Ordinary Family (1%, 110 Votes)
  • Party Down (1%, 106 Votes)
  • Robin Hood (BBC) (1%, 105 Votes)
  • Outsourced (1%, 98 Votes)
  • Journeyman (1%, 96 Votes)
  • Kings (0%, 81 Votes)
  • Life on Mars (0%, 72 Votes)
  • Samantha Who? (0%, 71 Votes)
  • Undeclared (0%, 61 Votes)
  • Life Unexpected (0%, 45 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,043

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