New Fall 2012 Shows – Which Pilots Do You Plan to Watch?

(Uber-cool photo above from

Thanks to sneak peaks and early releases, the fall broadcast TV season is well underway, even if most shows don’t premiere until next week (or later). Into the bunch are thrown 21 new scripted shows – which of these do you intend to check out?

Please vote in the poll for all the shows for which you plan to see (or have already seen) the pilot episode. Then leave a comment and let me know which shows you’re most excited about!

Which broadcast show pilots do you plan to watch (or have already seen)?

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One thought on “New Fall 2012 Shows – Which Pilots Do You Plan to Watch?”

  1. Of all these shows, I’m most excited about Nashville. One of my DISH co-workers got me into Friday Night Lights ages ago and I’ve adored Connie Britton ever since. I can’t wait to see what she does with a leading role like this one. I work late on Wednesdays, so I’m grateful I can count on my Hopper to record it for me to watch the minute I get home. I don’t even like country music, but I have a feeling I’m going to love this show.

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