Renew/Cancel News: Private Practice Ending, More Scripts for Last Resort and Park Ave, More Castle, Mob Doctor Still Alive

Private Practice creator Shonda Rhimes and ABC have decided to let the show end after finishing up this season’s thirteen-episode run. Sister show Grey’s Anatomy will get two additional episodes, however.

ABC is also giving Castle one extra episode this season, while comedies Modern Family and The Middle have been granted two extra episodes. They’ve also ordered two additional scripts each for struggling new dramas Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue.

Fox also has joined “extra episode Friday,” bumping The Mindy Project’s recent full season order from 22 to 24 episodes. While many have anticipated the network would pull low-performing new drama The Mob Doctor from its Mondays-at-9 slot any day now, Fox recently announced the show would air 3 out of 4 Mondays during November sweeps.

As I mentioned earlier, Animal Practice has been pulled from NBC’s schedule and replaced by Whitney. There’s still no news about when Community will return – I’d expected to hear something by now, so I’m beginning to fear it won’t return until midseason. I’m also starting to get a sneaking suspicion that NBC knows how rabid Community fans get when something happens with their show, and are using the uncertainty to build buzz. Further cementing the idea that they want this schedule change to increase anticipation for new episodes, this awesome clip was released the day the season premiere was supposed to air:

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‘Ben and Kate’ & ‘The Mindy Project’ Get Full Season Orders – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Fox has picked up two new comedies for full seasons! Both The Mindy Project and Ben & Kate got additional episode orders, joining Go On, The New Normal, and Revolution as the first new shows to get full seasons. I still need to watch the second episodes of the two Fox shows, but I enjoyed both pilots.

‘Ben and Kate’ & ‘The Mindy Project’ Get Full Season Orders – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.

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New Fall 2012 Shows – Which Pilots Do You Plan to Watch?

(Uber-cool photo above from

Thanks to sneak peaks and early releases, the fall broadcast TV season is well underway, even if most shows don’t premiere until next week (or later). Into the bunch are thrown 21 new scripted shows – which of these do you intend to check out?

Please vote in the poll for all the shows for which you plan to see (or have already seen) the pilot episode. Then leave a comment and let me know which shows you’re most excited about!

Which broadcast show pilots do you plan to watch (or have already seen)?

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IMDb: Fall TV: Top Ten New Shows – a list by IMDb-Editors

IMDb presents a list of their picks for the top ten new shows – and I agree with just about the entire thing! Each show has a photo and a brief description, followed by thoughts from the site’s editors. I enjoy that they push past all of the hype and nitpicking to give an honest look at how well the pilot episodes work and where they see shows going from there, both good and bad.

#1 Last Resort

My favorite of the pilots I’ve seen so far (admittedly mostly comedy). Great suspense, great characters, awesome possibilities for future stories. I just hope it’s not handicapped by a competitive time slot. Full pilot review here.

#2 Arrow

Dark Knight, archery division. While I haven’t seen the pilot yet, IMDb puts Stephen Amell’s acting somewhere between Tom Welling’s Superman and Christian Bale’s Batman, which is good enough for me! An awesome superhero show for the fall is needed after enjoying superhero movies and Alphas all summer.

#3 The Mindy Project

This was a “see if the pilot’s any good” show for me, but since episode one had an unexpected quirky rom-com charm, I plan to stick around for several more episodes. Pairing this with New Girl is brilliant. Here’s my review of the first episode.

#4 Nashville

One of the few shows I disagree with on this list, mostly since I hate country music and don’t usually like shows that run solely on relational drama (give me murders, spies, bombs, crimes, aliens, cool powers, and other worlds for my drama fix). But if it’s your cup of tea, enjoy away!

#5 Elementary

The third in my trifecta of most-anticipated new dramas this fall (for the others, see #1 and 2 above). I have a feeling the pilot will be a bit spoiled by the promos, so I’m more looking forward to the second episode. And since Sherlock is already reimagining the traditional Holmes stories, I’m glad this show will focus on new stories. Update: my review of the pilot is here.

#6 Ben and Kate

A heartwarming little gem that I look forward to seeing more of. See my full review of the pilot here.

#7 Hunted

I don’t follow many cable shows unless they air on USA, Syfy, or TNT, so I had no idea this cool-looking spy drama from Cinemax even existed. If the pilot shows up online I may have to try it out.

#8 Go On

The pilot was great, the second episode a little less so, but I’m definitely giving this show a few more episodes to find its stride. I think the main thing is that the characters don’t feel like family yet, but that usually requires several episodes for most shows. I just hope the writers will be able to find the right balance between humor and pathos as most of the characters deal with pretty significant losses.

#9 Vegas

One of the other exceptions I’d take off this list – not that it isn’t well made, it’s just not a show I care to watch. I don’t watch many historical shows, unless they’re set in a time and place I love (looking at my list of tags, that’s pretty much medieval England, but there are others). Las Vegas doesn’t interest me at all. Neither does the 60s. I don’t really care about the conflict between a sheriff and a mob boss, and the main cast doesn’t feature any actors of whom I’m a huge fan. So even though I have no other broadcast shows to watch at 10pm on Tuesdays, I won’t be watching (at least this sounds better than Unforgettable, though).

#10 Revolution

This, along with Beauty and the Beast, was in my second tier of new dramas to try out, so my anticipation level wasn’t as high, but I was still hoping to be pleasantly surprised. I wasn’t. While the pilot had some great moments, very little about it pushes me to watch the next episode. Since it conflicts with Castle, I’ll probably save it to watch online, but I have a feeling this is one of those shows that’ll get put off until I’m so far behind I stop watching. I do plan to watch at least the second episode, to see if it gets better.

For pics, plot descriptions, and IMDb editors’ thoughts on these 10 shows, visit the link below.

IMDb: Fall TV: Top Ten New Shows – a list by IMDb-Editors.

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The Mindy Project – Pilot

Fox has a full episode preview of its new romantic comedy, The Mindy Project (you can watch it now on Hulu, and it premieres September 25 at 9:30PM). I don’t watch many medical shows, but if the pilot is any indication, this show is light on Mindy’s career as an OB/GYN, and heavy on her quest to find the perfect man of her chick-flick-loving dreams.

Fortunately for the show’s longevity, Mindy Lahiri (played by The Office’s Mindy Kaling) seems to be about as lucky in love as How I Met Your Mother’s Ted Mosby. After a drunken speech at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, she’s arrested for disorderly conduct (which included riding her bike into a pool) and bailed out by her best friend. On blind date (with guest star Ed Helms), she’s charmingly awkward enough to get the guy’s interest, but messes things up with her reaction to being called in for a delivery.

Her own office offers up two possibilities to liven up her love life: a British hottie who’s available for no-strings hookups, and a rival doctor who gets on her nerves, offers unwanted advice, and mocks her favorite movies (hello, inevitable soul mate). Rounding out the supporting cast is Mindy’s best friend and her daughter, and what appears to be the office’s head doctor and receptionist.

The episode was pleasant and humorous, and with a lead-in like New Girl, should stick around long enough to find an audience. It’s too soon to tell if Mindy’s quirks and self-sabotage will be endearing or annoying, but the juxtaposition of idealized romanticism and realistic dating disasters should be a hit among female viewers.

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Mindy Kaling Will Be Back on The Office After All — Vulture

Kelly’s storyline on The Office will get a chance to wrap up, as Mindy Kaling will be in two episodes of the upcoming season of the show. Kaling currently has her hands full writing, directing, and starring in her Fox comedy, The Mindy Project, which will premier online 4 weeks before its TV debut (another new Fox comedy, Ben & Kate, will do the same). The pilots of the two shows will be available to stream on Facebook,, Hulu, Xfinity,,, and more.

Mindy Kaling Will Be Back on The Office After All — Vulture.

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What I Will Be Watching in Fall 2012 – ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, The CW

Now that all of the broadcast networks have revealed their fall schedules, as well as trailers or clips of new shows, it’s time to look at what I will be watching live, what I’ll have to catch online, and how many annoying half hour and hour “dead zones” I’ll have between good shows.

TVLine was nice enough to compile a grid chart of what’s airing when, which you can view at the link below (it will open in a new tab so you can follow along):

Fall TV Schedule Grid 2012-13 — ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, The CW – TVLine.

Thanks to 666 Park Street’s too-much-horror bent, Once Upon a Time remains my only show for Sundays, though if my Sunday evenings stay busy, I’ll be watching online anyway.

Monday has a lot of dead zones. Since I don’t get HD Fox coverage in my area (which makes the picture 2/3 of its normal size), I’ll watch Bones on Hulu and How I Met Your Mother live. But since I’m likely giving up 2 Broke Girls (since it’s become the ladies’ version of Two and a Half Men instead of a smart, funny comedy), I don’t have anything else I plan to watch until Castle at 10. Revolution looks good, but like Smash (which will be back in midseason), I’ll only watch it live if Castle is a repeat or ABC won’t come in.

Tuesday’s first two hours are packed for me. I’ll probably watch NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles live when I can, because if I have to watch a show online I prefer Hulu to CBS’s video player. But if they’re on repeats or I’m in the mood for comedy, I have choices: Ben & Kate on Fox at 8:30, New Girl on Fox or Go On on NBC at 9, and The Mindy Project on Fox (maybe) or Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23 at 9:30. Nothing on at 10 that interests me, though I might watch the pilot of Vegas out of curiosity.

Wednesday just has two shows I plan to watch, and of course they conflict – Arrow at 8 and Suburgatory at 8:30. I might try out Animal Practice (at 8) if I’m watching Suburgatory live.

Even with Community’s move, Thursdays remain my busiest night. At 8, I have to choose between The Big Bang Theory and a half hour dead zone, or ABC’s Last Resort. At 9, Person of Interest and CW’s Beauty and the Beast will probably push The Office to online-only. My only conflict-free hour will be at 10, with CBS’s Elementary.

Friday, I will probably watch Community and Grimm (NBC, 8:30 and 9) live, and catch Nikita online.

All told, that’s 22-26 shows every week, out of which up to 12 are 1/2 hour comedies. Up to 20 hours total every week for broadcast shows, if I like all the new shows I’m trying out. Seems like a lot, but I guess not really for someone who runs a TV site. 🙂

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CW Fall 2012 Schedule, Supernatural to Wednesdays, Video Clips For ‘Arrow,’ ‘Beauty And The Beast,’ & ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’

The CW is the last of the broadcast networks to announce their fall schedule, with some major changes.

90210 moves to Mondays at 8, followed by a shortened finale season for Gossip Girl, and in midseason, The Carrie Diaries.

As I predicted, the CW’s two medical shows are on the same night, with Hart of Dixie on at 8 on Tuesdays, and Emily Owens, MD (formerly First Cut) at 9. A great slot, as the only similar show they’re competing against would be The Mindy Project at 9:30.

Wednesdays, new show Arrow will lead off the night, followed by “finally out of the Friday death slot” Supernatural.

The Vampire Diaries remains on Thursdays at 8, while Beauty and the Beast gets the plum slot following it.

Nikita moves to 9 following America’s Next Top Model, which means competition with Grimm and Fringe, but Supernatural didn’t do too bad in that slot, so there’s hope.

All in all, it seems like a very solid schedule for the CW, and I hope the network’s ratings next fall will reflect that. Cult will be a midseason show as well. For clips of the fall CW shows, click below.

CW’s New Show Video Clips For ‘Arrow,’ ‘Beauty And The Beast,’ & ‘Emily Owens, M.D.’ – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.

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Fox Fall Preview – Watch Trailers for 5 New Shows, including Ben & Kate, The Goodwin Games

Fox has unveiled trailers for its five new shows, three which debut fall 2012, and two that are being held for midseason.

On Monday nights at 9/8c (the spot currently occupied by House) comes new medical drama with a mafia twist, The Mob Doctor:

This preview makes me a little more interested in the show than I was originally, but I think it will still fall into the “probably is worth watching, but I watch too much already” pile. I like how they highlighted the initials of the show, MD, at the end of the trailer.


On Tuesdays at 8:30/7:30c will be new comedy Ben & Kate, about two very different siblings:

This show sounds funny and heartwarming. I don’t know that it will be up to the level of some of the other comedies I watch, but I think it’s something I’ll enjoy as long as it lasts.


On Tuesdays at 9:30/8:30c comes Mindy Kaling’s new project, dubbed The Mindy Project, about an OB/GYN navigating life and love:

From the trailer, it looks like this show might become too self-indulgent, focusing on Kaling instead of building an ensemble cast around her (something its lead-in show, New Girl, suffered from at the beginning but quickly fixed). It was nice seeing the Ed Helms cameo, though.


During the midseason comes The Following, about a retired FBI agent brought back in to catch the serial killer he put away once:

I was impressed by how this trailer interested me, but I still doubt I’ll watch it. Interesting twist about the serial killer training other serial killers that the FBI now has to go after.


Also midseason will be The Goodwin Games, from How I Met Your Mother creators and starring HIMYM’s Becky Newton, about siblings competing for the family estate:

The board game premise of the show might be a little flimsy if this wasn’t about siblings, but I think they will make it work.

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