In part two of our TV couples Monday Madness, we’re looking at couples in speculative TV shows! Whether it’s sci fi, fantasy, paranormal, historical myths, or just a futuristic bent, these shows all have something out of the ordinary, even if the couples in them are perfectly normal human beings.
This poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 10 of your favorite TV couples. Be sure to spread the word so your favorites will make it into the top 10!
Even though there are 40-some options on this list, I know there are dozens of couples I left out! You can nominate couples I missed in the comments, and I may add them to the poll. Want more of a say in who makes it onto the poll each week? Be sure to follow me on Twitter, since I usually ask for nominations for the next Monday Madness the weekend before the new poll. Please help out with nominations! There are only so many shows I can watch personally, so I’m counting on you to fill me in!
Without further ado, here’s the poll for this week’s Monday Madness! Voting ends around 1AM June 4th.
UPDATE: poll has ended. Go vote in this week’s poll!
Which is your favorite TV couple? - Speculative Division (Choose up to 10)
- Mary and John Winchester - Supernatural (14%, 959 Votes)
- Rumpelstiltskin and Belle - Once Upon a TIme (9%, 608 Votes)
- Charming and Snow - Once Upon a Time (6%, 414 Votes)
- The Doctor and Rose - Doctor Who (5%, 352 Votes)
- Arthur and Gwen - Merlin (4%, 301 Votes)
- Elena and Damon - The Vampire Diaries (4%, 283 Votes)
- Emma and Graham - Once Upon a Time (4%, 256 Votes)
- Buffy and Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3%, 235 Votes)
- Mal and Inara - Firefly (3%, 223 Votes)
- Wash and Zoe - Firefly (3%, 213 Votes)
- Leo and Piper - Charmed (3%, 209 Votes)
- Buffy and Angel - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3%, 190 Votes)
- Scully and Mulder - The X-Files (3%, 178 Votes)
- Ned and Chuck - Pushing Daisies (2%, 172 Votes)
- Simon and Kaylee - Firefly (2%, 161 Votes)
- Eric and Sookie - True Blood (2%, 154 Votes)
- Peter and Olivia - Fringe (2%, 149 Votes)
- Willow and Oz - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2%, 144 Votes)
- Cole and Phoebe - Charmed (2%, 139 Votes)
- Elena and Stefan - The Vampire Diaries (2%, 130 Votes)
- Lois and Clark - Smallville (2%, 126 Votes)
- Wesley and Fred - Angel (2%, 113 Votes)
- Jack and Sam - Stargate SG-1 (2%, 111 Votes)
- Xander and Anya - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2%, 110 Votes)
- Mick and Beth - Moonlight (1%, 85 Votes)
- Robin and Marion - Robin Hood (1%, 77 Votes)
- Monroe and Rosalee - Grimm (1%, 74 Votes)
- John and Aeryn - Farscape (1%, 74 Votes)
- Max and Logan - Dark Angel (1%, 72 Votes)
- Bill and Sookie - True Blood (1%, 72 Votes)
- Nick and Juliette - Grimm (1%, 63 Votes)
- Max and Liz - Roswell (1%, 63 Votes)
- Jo and Zane - Eureka (1%, 63 Votes)
- Sierra and Victor - Dollhouse (1%, 59 Votes)
- Hoyt and Jessica - True Blood (1%, 55 Votes)
- The Doctor and River Song - Doctor Who (1%, 52 Votes)
- Fargo - Eureka and Claudia - Warehouse 13 (1%, 52 Votes)
- Carter and Allison - Eureka (1%, 51 Votes)
- Tru and Luc - Tru Calling (1%, 38 Votes)
- Echo and Paul - Dollhouse (1%, 35 Votes)
- George and Nina - Being Human (UK) (0%, 30 Votes)
- Angel and Cordelia - Angel (0%, 24 Votes)
- Josh and Nora - Being Human (US) (0%, 21 Votes)
- Kara and Anders - Battlestar Galatica (0%, 15 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,191

Continue reading Monday Madness: Favorite TV Couples – Speculative