This time on Monday Madness, it’s time to vote for your favorite undead/nonhuman characters! Whether they are ghosts, vampires, aliens, werewolves, or something a bit more unconventional, they add color and plot twists to every show they are a part of.
This poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 10 of your favorite undead or nonhuman characters. Be sure to spread the word so your favorites will make it into the top 10!
Even though there are 40 options on this list, I know there are many great characters I left out! As always, you can cast write-in ballots by leaving a comment. Want more of a say in who makes it onto the poll each week? Be sure to follow me on Twitter, since I usually ask for nominations for the next Monday Madness the weekend before the new poll.
Without further ado, here’s the poll for this week’s Monday Madness! Voting ends around 1AM April 23rd.
Update: this poll has ended – results post is here. You can vote on this week’s poll, Favorite Long-Running TV Show, here.
Who's your favorite undead/nonhuman character? (Choose up to 10)
- Cameron from Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles (23%, 12,122 Votes)
- Castiel from Supernatural (20%, 10,904 Votes)
- The Doctor from Doctor Who (19%, 9,891 Votes)
- Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (16%, 8,661 Votes)
- Spock from Star Trek (8%, 4,451 Votes)
- Teal'c from Stargate SG-1 (1%, 711 Votes)
- Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (1%, 571 Votes)
- Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1%, 446 Votes)
- Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation (1%, 445 Votes)
- Oz from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1%, 442 Votes)
- Lorne from Angel (1%, 388 Votes)
- Eric from True Blood (1%, 386 Votes)
- Damon from The Vampire Diaries (1%, 340 Votes)
- Illyria from Angel (1%, 328 Votes)
- Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (0%, 261 Votes)
- Clark Kent from Smallville (0%, 235 Votes)
- Number Six from Battlestar Galactica (0%, 218 Votes)
- Monroe from Grimm (0%, 199 Votes)
- Thing from The Addams Family (0%, 185 Votes)
- George from Dead Like Me (0%, 181 Votes)
- Stefan from The Vampire Diaries (0%, 177 Votes)
- Mitchell from Being Human (UK) (0%, 154 Votes)
- Red/Ruby from Once Upon a Time (0%, 139 Votes)
- Ka D'Argo from Farscape (0%, 131 Votes)
- George from Being Human (UK) (0%, 127 Votes)
- Josh from Being Human (US) (0%, 123 Votes)
- Bill from True Blood (0%, 121 Votes)
- Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie (0%, 112 Votes)
- Annie from Being Human (UK) (0%, 110 Votes)
- Aiden from Being Human (US) (0%, 107 Votes)
- Bo from Lost Girl (0%, 95 Votes)
- Mork from Mork and Mindy (0%, 95 Votes)
- Bob from The Dresden Files (0%, 79 Votes)
- Josef from Moonlight (0%, 78 Votes)
- Sally from Being Human (US) (0%, 77 Votes)
- Herman from The Munsters (0%, 64 Votes)
- Grandpa from The Munsters (0%, 60 Votes)
- Anna from V (0%, 40 Votes)
- Martin from My Favorite Martian (0%, 30 Votes)
- Ryan from V (0%, 11 Votes)
Total Voters: 45,198

Castiel FTW!!! ♥
Woo Cas! <3
I loved it when Summer Glau played Cameron in Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
This is also why I am a fan of Summer’s; because she is one of the very few actors, and almost the only young female actor that makes me think, wow, she’s really talented, and yet doesn’t seem to have that over-inflated Hollywood ego.
This list is missing Klaus (TVD).
Still, Cas FTW regardless of anything!! =D
I voted for Doctor Who. Didn’t realize I could vote for 10 until I was finished. Oops. At any rate, I’d never vote for Castiel. The writing done for his character has totally ruined SPN for the last 2 seasons, if not the last 4. The last 3 episodes of this season are almost guaranteed to suck because of fanservicing this character. Bad writing is never good and Castiel equals bad writing. Cut him loose and set SPN free finally.
absolutely easy summer glau as cameron in tscc for me she was so cool and sexy in that show awesome such a talented actress deserves to be given many more roles in tv and films
Castiel from Supernatural–no question!!! (Spike or Angel would be my 2nd & 3rd). Go Cas!!!
Whether he is an angel of the Lord, z Leviathan, or God himself……. Castiel is the most Bad-a** Mo Fo around! And…. he is the hottest non-human that ever existed!!! 😉
I also loved him as Hippie Cas and Jimmy.
Castiel is in deed the most bad-a** mo fo around and of course, he is also freaking HOT!!! 😉
Castiel <3 <3 <3
I expected to find Scorpius/Harvey from Farscape on this list… he’s unique, you know.
Castiel <3
Picked a few others as well, but I consider Cas the best and most interesting character (of basically anything).
Go Castiel you sexy angel! Go :’D xx
Vampire Dean from Supernatural, he was great as a vamp, but did I also miss Mick from Moonlight.
summer glau of tscc will win the poll it doesnt matter how many you do she will always win she is so hot and she is sizzling at the top summer glau forever go girlie go tscc rules
Summer Glau was excellent in tscc.
weeeeeeeee! another contest to waste my days clicking away at! i am a die hard SPN fan, but since we are allowed to multi vote it seemed i ought throw a few at the dr. as well. i really need to watch more than what i have, but i can only handle one obsession at once! 🙂
We can vote for Josef from Moonlight but not Mick St John!?!
The Doctor, without question. I mean, but really? I also chose Monroe because I LOVE him on Grimm, so adorkable, and Ruby, because… Little Red Riding Hood IS the Big Bad Wolf?! It’s too much.
People doesn’t need puppy dogs and kittens and little bunnies and all that. Because now we have Summer Glau, the cutest superforce in the universe.
The poll is closed apparently and Summer Glau has won for her role as Cameron in Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles!
It should also be noted that Summer Glau is not just a pretty face, but is also a great actress who deserves more attention as such. She’s multifaceted, physical and I personally hope she hits it big or rather bigger then she already has because lord knows there are plenty of other woman in Hollywood that don’t deserve the attention they get nor do they have half the talent.
Someone needs to give summer a leading role in a tv series or movie.
well said in putting those comments about summer glau i couldnt of worded it better myself great comments she is not just a pretty face but a very talented actress that just does not get the recognition she deserves i think she is still close to joss whedon so maybe who knows she might just get that big break she deserves well done summer in winning the poll cameron tscc what a performance ,scary robot,awesome tscc lives forever
Everything positive thing said about the Goddess Herself, Miss Summer Lyn Glau, is not and will never be good enough. ♥ Watching her watch paint dry would be a pleasure. My love is Summer forever.