Keck’s Exclusives: Major NCIS: L.A./Hawaii Five-0 Crossover Planned for May Sweeps – Today’s News: Our Take |

Hmm, something that may finally get me to watch Hawaii Five-O! It airs at the same time as Castle, so I’ve rather been rooting for its demise, even though it seems like a decent show. The one episode I caught during the middle of season one didn’t wow me, and while several of the show’s actors are familiar, none were favorites. And I had plenty of cop shows to keep me busy anyway.

Finding out one of the show’s villains is played by James Marsters sparked my interest in the show again, but I couldn’t justify trying to squeeze in another show for only a reoccurring guest. But since the crossover in question doesn’t happen until May, maybe I will have time to catch up with the season and a half of Hawaii Five-O that has aired so far.

At least I now know what Kensi’s mysterious Hawaii trip was about!

Keck’s Exclusives: Major NCIS: L.A./Hawaii Five-0 Crossover Planned for May Sweeps – Today’s News: Our Take |

Psych Renewed for 7th Season of 16 Episodes by USA Network – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Yay, more Psych! Not that there was any doubt this awesome show would be renewed, but it’s nice to know we’re in for many more Shawn and Gus moments. And I love the fun way James Roday and Dule Hill announced the renewal.

Psych Renewed for 7th Season of 16 Episodes by USA Network – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.

Bones Winter Finale Scoop: The Most Diabolical Baddie Is Unleashed! A Love Nest Is Revealed! – TVLine

After watching six seasons of this show within 3 months, the trickle of new episodes so far this season has been agonizing. The final episode before spring airs this Thursday (1/12) an hour earlier than usual, right before The Finder’s debut in Bones’ normal time slot. Want some tidbits about the episode before it goes live? Click below!

Bones Winter Finale Scoop: The Most Diabolical Baddie Is Unleashed! A Love Nest Is Revealed! – TVLine.

Booktalk & More: Once Upon a Time 1.7: “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”

One of my favorite TV bloggers reviews (finally!) one of my favorite episodes of the fall 2011 season. After all the speculation about who Sheriff Graham really was (I guessed right from the pilot!), we finally get some answers about our favorite law keeper with an accent (hey, where was he on TVline’s law enforcement crushes bracket?).

Booktalk & More: Once Upon a Time 1.7: “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”.

Once Upon a Time’s Lana Parrilla: Why the Evil Queen Became So Evil – Today’s News: Our Take |

Looking forward to getting more backstory as to why Regina is so bent on destroying everything Snow holds dear. Beware, spoilers for the mid-season finale mentioned in the post linked below!

Once Upon a Time’s Lana Parrilla: Why the Evil Queen Became So Evil – Today’s News: Our Take |

TCA: What’s on NBC? “Community” and Mariska Hargitay. For Now. | IMDb TV

Testing out this new bookmarklet thing with good news about Community – NBC reassures fans once again that it’s coming back, and adds the news that it won’t be competing with The Big Bang Theory anymore – yay!

TCA: What’s on NBC? “Community” and Mariska Hargitay. For Now. | IMDb TV.

Twitter Background Contest

Since I’m not doing a giveaway this month, I thought it would be fun to do a quick little contest instead. I recently updated my Twitter background, but it wasn’t quite what I wanted. So I thought I’d have you help choose the 12 pictures I use in my tiled background!

How? Simple! Leave a comment on any post, then email me (katie at your favorite TV pic! The first 12 people to do so will have their pics used as my Twitter background for at least the rest of the month! Continue reading Twitter Background Contest

Farewell to 2011

2011 has been a year of big changes for this blog. At the start of this year, I only had 3 posts and hadn’t even begun sharing the link. Now, I’m working on post 124 and get thousands of views every month.

As you can see, I’m also ending the year with a big change – a new layout. As much as I loved the look of the old layout, it was confusing for some and also probably hurting my chances of being found by search engines (with no text other than categories on the home page). I do plan to keep the same “wall of TV pics” look as my Twitter background, though. I’m still working through some of the kinks (like having to set images as featured images and adding read more links in ALL my old posts), so please let me know if you come across something that’s not working! Continue reading Farewell to 2011

Community – Regional Holiday Music


The fall season of Community has ended with a great musical bang, and I’m a little sad, but also a little disappointed. I was hoping this final episode of 2011 would be something amazing. There were moments of brilliance, but I felt the episode as a whole didn’t quite hit all the right notes.

More on the highlights and low points of the episode in a bit, but first, don’t forget to enter my Community giveaway. You don’t even have to visit that page to enter – just leave a comment on this post (since you’re here already!) before the end of December and you’ll be entered! But if you want more chances, check out the giveaway post. Continue reading Community – Regional Holiday Music

How I Met Your Mother – Symphony of Illumination


The beginning of this episode made me gasp. I decided about halfway through it that it was amazing. And the ending simply blew me away, earning it a perpetual place in my top 10 favorite How I Met Your Mother episodes.

Plenty of spoilers below, so please, go and watch the episode if you haven’t yet already. Then come back. Even you people who like to read the end of books first. (Especially you people.) Continue reading How I Met Your Mother – Symphony of Illumination

Community – Giveaway!


This month, I’m giving away a season of Community! Winner will receive his or her choice of either a season DVD set of the show (season one or two) or a $15 Amazon gift card! See rules below for how to enter by leaving comments, sharing on Facebook, linking on Twitter, and more!

Easy-peasy rules (more details and ways to win below, but if you want to enter and move on, this is what you need to know): Leave a comment, get an entry. Post link to this page on Facebook, get entries. Post link on Twitter, get entries. Simple as that. Continue reading Community – Giveaway!

Ringer – Mid-Season Wrap-Up


I just finished the fall finale of this amazingly twisty show. I’m loving how interwoven the storylines are – it’s definitely not a show you want to watch out of order! (The thought of someone doing that has me imagining Sarah Michelle Gellar’s “Wait . . . what?!?” face – wish I had a gif of it to inset here.)

Spoilers below – you probably won’t want to read this until you watch the November 29th episode. Continue reading Ringer – Mid-Season Wrap-Up