Update: this poll is now closed. You can find this week’s poll here.
This time on Monday Madness, it’s time to vote for your favorite TV show that has run at least 7 seasons! Whether they are still wrapping up their season 7 or have reached the double-digits, these shows have endured to become TV legends.
This poll will be open for one week, and you can choose up to 10 of your favorite long-running shows. Be sure to spread the word so your favorites will make it into the top 10!
Even though there are 45 50 options on this list, I know there are shows I left out! As always, you can cast write-in ballots by leaving a comment. Want more of a say in what makes it onto the poll each week? Be sure to follow me on Twitter, since I usually ask for nominations for the next Monday Madness the weekend before the new poll.
Without further ado, here’s the poll for this week’s Monday Madness! Voting ends around 1AM April 30th.
This poll sponsored by Nannerbug Designs.
What's your favorite long-running TV show? (Choose up to 10!)
- Bones (11%, 3,564 Votes)
- Supernatural (9%, 3,042 Votes)
- Doctor Who (6%, 1,994 Votes)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (6%, 1,850 Votes)
- Friends (5%, 1,681 Votes)
- How I Met Your Mother (5%, 1,522 Votes)
- NCIS (4%, 1,416 Votes)
- Stargate SG-1 (4%, 1,244 Votes)
- House (4%, 1,155 Votes)
- Criminal Minds (3%, 981 Votes)
- Gilmore Girls (3%, 947 Votes)
- X-Files (3%, 935 Votes)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (3%, 833 Votes)
- M*A*S*H (2%, 769 Votes)
- That 70s Show (2%, 714 Votes)
- Law & Order: SVU (2%, 630 Votes)
- Full House (2%, 590 Votes)
- The Office (2%, 578 Votes)
- Scrubs (2%, 577 Votes)
- Smallville (2%, 551 Votes)
- Monk (2%, 521 Votes)
- Will & Grace (1%, 472 Votes)
- ER (1%, 429 Votes)
- Star Trek: Voyager (1%, 426 Votes)
- The Cosby Show (1%, 392 Votes)
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1%, 345 Votes)
- 24 (1%, 344 Votes)
- One Tree Hill (1%, 341 Votes)
- JAG (1%, 341 Votes)
- Cheers (1%, 285 Votes)
- Married . . . with Children (1%, 285 Votes)
- 7th Heaven (1%, 274 Votes)
- Law & Order (1%, 273 Votes)
- Magnum, PI (1%, 262 Votes)
- Happy Days (1%, 236 Votes)
- Weeds (1%, 219 Votes)
- Medium (1%, 205 Votes)
- The Andy Griffith Show (1%, 201 Votes)
- Fraiser (1%, 199 Votes)
- Law & Order: Criminal Intent (1%, 187 Votes)
- Without a Trace (1%, 183 Votes)
- Walker, Texas Ranger (1%, 169 Votes)
- Beverly Hills, 90210 (0%, 135 Votes)
- Entourage (0%, 124 Votes)
- Bonanza (0%, 122 Votes)
- Matlock (0%, 108 Votes)
- Perry Mason (0%, 106 Votes)
- Gunsmoke (0%, 77 Votes)
- Rescue Me (0%, 76 Votes)
- The Shield (0%, 59 Votes)
Total Voters: 8,438

No ‘Frasier’??? Blasphemy! Best sitcom EVER!
I knew there were a few I was forgetting! Be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can suggest shows for new polls!
You Can WIN it all SUPERNATURAL Go!!!!
Um, the Simpsons was left out?
This site focuses on scripted live-action shows.
Where is supernatural? Love supernatural!
Supernatural is the best tv show ever for sure! The SPN family is rooting for all the cast of SPN! Good luck SUPERNATURAL we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Supernatural! It’s my favorite show!!!
No Happy Days? How many other shows can save that they have memorabilia residing in the Smithsonian?
Fonzie Rules!!!
M*A*S*H can – Radars teddy bear is there.
For the first time ever, I have added new options to a poll after it has opened! Both Fraiser and Happy Days have been added, as well as a few others. If you’re unable to vote on the additions since you’ve already voted, try using a different computer or try again later this week!
What about Charmed?
I’ll be sure to include it next time I do a similar poll. If someone had mentioned it earlier, I would have included it when I added 5 more options to this poll. But at this point, with less than 2 1/2 days left to vote, it doesn’t seem fair to introduce new options.
West Wing!
Wish I would have thought of that one!
Dexter’s only on season six. This poll is for shows that are in or have completed their 7th season.
omfd cant believe you didnt put roseanne on this list D:
Great list of shows, however…why isn’t Charmed listed? They went Eight Seasons???
BONES all the way, common who ever does not like Bones is crazy like seriously it is AMAZING!!!! There are now 2 adorable babys on the show, and Booth and Bones are a couple now 😀 how can you not like that. People plz vote for Bones 🙂 plz. And Friends to because that show is also awesome.
sorry i dont no whether its me or not but struggling to vote for one show let alone up to ten this list is really bad never mind i will wait for next weeks monday madness ,ps sorry
My favorite is still Northern Exposure
love supernatural and bones….thats the best
Where is CSI? Its in season12
Not at all surprised that Supernatural is winning, best fandom ever!
You can see by the ages who voted
Don’t forget Charmed and Ghost Whisperer.
Ghost Whisperer is only 5 seasons 😉
I love Bones.
Where is Grey’s Anatomy? Its currently in season 8.
Seems like a show that should be up there!
You forgot desperate housewives! Shame on the lot of you!!!!!
No Golden Girls??? That’s crazy!!
they were the bomb 🙂
Where is CSI in all this? I don’t see them listed AT ALL and there’s 3 separate shows for CSI- in my humble opinion, one of THE best long running criminal shows out there!
Where is CSI?
I know I forgot a bunch of shows on this poll. I tried to find some list ranking shows in order of length, but I wasn’t able to. I will probably run another similar poll sometime during the 2012-2013 TV season, and I will definitely go through these comments to add in the shows I missed this time around! Though there will always be shows that don’t make it on the list, as I don’t want to get much more than 50 options in one poll.
What about Charmed?
HOUSE. Nuff said. Though there are a lot of other favorites on the list.
Where is Rockford Files, Hart to Hart, Cannon, the original Hawaii 50? Give me a vote for each of them.
The Rockford Files, Hart to Hart, and Cannon all didn’t qualify for this poll because they all only had 5-6 seasons. The original Hawaii Five-O was on my list, but I ended up not having room to include it.
Bones brilliant show!
Would have voted for Doctor Who if I’d found this earlier. Though the West Wing would have been a tempting write-in vote.