March Madness: Psych vs. Castle

After weeks of voting, it is down to the final match! Whenever I mentioned the Psych versus Community matchup, people groaned about making the choice, and the buzz made it my most-viewed post ever within a week! 163 brave souls made a decision, and Psych won, 91 to 72. Castle’s victory over Warehouse 13 was easier, as the SyFy show only managed to garner 4 votes.

And now, lovable rogue Nathan Fillion, who really is ruggedly handsome (and who is celebrating his birthday by raising money for charity: water – donate now!), along with the beautiful Stana Katic and the rest of the cast of Castle, goes up against the kings of comedy and 80s pop culture, the unstoppable James Roday and the smooth Dulé Hill. Shawn and Gus. Castle and Beckett. Which team do you want on your side?

The last battle begins. Which show will emerge victorious? It’s up to you! Vote in the comments below! And be sure to spread the word so your show can win!

Also remember, every comment (one per person per post, but you can comment on any or all of the hundreds of posts on this site) will give you one entry toward the $15 Amazon gift card!

Update: go here to see which show won!

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631 thoughts on “March Madness: Psych vs. Castle”

  1. CASTLE! I’ve seen both and can’t even understand why there’s so much of a competition because imo Castle is way better!

  2. Once I would have said Psych- but based on the most recent series of Castle, I take my hat off to Andrew Marlowe and it have to go with Castle!

  3. Castle, because we certainly wouldn’t kick Stana Katic out of bed 😉

  4. CASTLE for the win ! I love Psych and the Shawn and Gus Bromance . But , my winner is CASTLE ! Psych has been on longer but , Castle reeled me in when they cast Nathan Fillion for the role as Richard Castle . I love watching both shows but , Castle has my vote for this bracket .

  5. When I come home from work after a terrible day, there’s only one show that can make me feel better – and it’s gotta be Castle. Always.

  6. I love both shows but I think people seriously underrate Castle. The leads in both shows are strong, but Castle has a better supporting cast, not only in Lanie, Ryan and Esposito – but Castle’s family playing a prominent role. I love the Mother-son relationship between Martha and Rick, and it’s just a more well rounded show in my opinion. So yeah, Castle!

  7. Castle because I adore Detective Esposito rather more than is probably healthy. Jon Huertas is a babe. Enough said!

  8. I like both.. please don’t make me choose. I have to choose? It has to be Castle; I’ve watched Psych longer, and I love it to death but there is just something special about Castle.. or maybe it’s our beautiful dream team Stanathan that attracts me 😉

  9. I adore Castle, so it’s easy for me. Castle and Beckett just bounce off each other. Esplanie is gorgeous and Lanie deserves her own show completely. The show just goes from strength to strength and I will always love it.

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