March Madness: Community vs. Once Upon a Time

Two VERY close races. The competing shows Community and The Big Bang Theory ended in a tie on its official post, but a misplaced vote gave the win to Community (which returns this week!). Newbie Once Upon a Time triumphed over popular NCIS by just a few votes. Now, two shows that couldn’t be more different face each other. (Trying to think of something they have in common . . . occasional capes, perhaps?)

Community features smart-aleck lawyer Jeff Winger (Joel McHale), whose education is deemed void by the bar and is forced to attend a local community college with an extremely eclectic staff and student body.

Once Upon a Time – There is a town in Maine, where every storybook character you’ve even known is trapped by an evil curse. Trapped in time, with all their happy endings stolen, they don’t remember who they are or where they came from. Only one can break the spell.

Which show has your vote? Comment below, and be sure to check out the other matches here!

Update: Community won! Vote for it here.

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12 thoughts on “March Madness: Community vs. Once Upon a Time”

  1. C’mon folks, Community! Not only is it the one of the funniest shows in several years, it’s also the most creative and cinematic! Community.

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