March Madness: Bones vs. Warehouse 13

Bones’ FBI triumphed over NCIS: Los Angeles, and Warehouse 13 didn’t give SyFy companion Alpha (featuring Bones’ Ryan Cartwright) one vote.

Bones – Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) is a highly skilled forensic anthropologist in Washington, DC. FBI Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) calls on her to assist with investigations when the standard methods of identifying a body are useless – when the remains are badly decomposed, burned or destroyed beyond recognition.

Warehouse 13 – After saving the life of the President in Washington D.C., a pair of U.S Secret Service agents are whisked away to a covert location in South Dakota that houses supernatural objects that the Regents, an Authority above and outside any government, have collected over the centuries. Their new assignment: retrieve any lost objects and investigate reports of new ones.

So do you want Booth and Brennan or Pete and Myka? Vote below!

Update: it’s Pete and Myka! Vote in the next round here!

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13 thoughts on “March Madness: Bones vs. Warehouse 13”

  1. Warehouse 13 (Bones lost me when they jumped from the end of last season to 6 months later)

  2. Bones! Though I agree with Cathy that I feel like there were missing episodes from last season to this one. Still have to love Booth and Brennan though!

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