In addition to this cool Comic-Con poster (which features new regular cast members Red and Belle), Ruth also mentions the newest bit of casting news for Once Upon a Time: Sarah Bolger has been cast as Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), a reoccurring role for season 2 of this amazing show!

Thanks for the link! I couldn’t be happier about this casting news!
Cool, new characters! I guess there are so many fairy characters to choose from they couldn’t introduce them all at once. I’m surprised, but I’m really looking forward to more of it. My favourite show is Supernatural, so I thought I would like Grimm, since I like things gritty rather than campy. But Grimm fell flat for me, I didn’t care about any of the characters and it felt like a much watered-down, paint-by-mumbers version of Supernatural. Whereas, much to my surprise, OUAT completely hooked me from the start. It’s fun, innovative, and has some great characters.
One of the things I love about OUAT is that the story is driven by female characters. Seeing as 85% of primetime tv writers are men and only 15% are women, that’s a rare thing. (That’s a real statistic: )
I can’t wait!