Once Upon a Time Preview — Emilie de Ravin of Lost, Episode 12

Maybe I missed it somewhere (like not seeing a preview of this Sunday’s episode until now), but I had no clue until I read this post that Rumpelstiltskin was the Beast in Once Upon a Time’s Beauty and the Beast retelling.

My first reaction was a little bit horrified – how dare they ruin my favorite Disney fairy tale! But now I’m coming to see part of the genius of it. Everyone knows that the traditional Beast, despite his selfishness and anger management problems, is a big old softy at heart when it comes to Belle. Rumpelstiltskin, on the other hand, is truly someone to fear, and exactly the sort of person who would strike a deal to keep Belle locked away at his castle. It would take a very special and persistent person to soften his heart.

But I’m still glad there are two opportunities coming up this fall for a better Beauty and the Beast TV retelling.

Once Upon a Time Preview — Emilie de Ravin of Lost, Episode 12.

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