No, we didn’t get the end of the world in 2012, but it was the end for several story worlds we’ve grown to love. Which of these dearly departed shows are your favorites?
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I know I’m missing a few shows that ended in 2012, so feel free to nominate other shows on our Facebook page, tweeting me at @waterfallbooks, or by leaving a comment below. (Be sure to stick with live-action, scripted shows.) Also, there are several shows that have been canceled, but will air their final episodes in 2013, and are therefore not included below (Fringe, Last Resort, The Office, etc.).
Without further ado, vote for up to five of the shows below! Poll will close Monday night, December 31st, so spread the word quickly!
What's your favorite show we said farewell to in 2012? (Choose up to 5!)
- Leverage (48%, 556 Votes)
- Merlin (10%, 117 Votes)
- Chuck (8%, 96 Votes)
- House (7%, 77 Votes)
- Eureka (6%, 71 Votes)
- The Finder (4%, 48 Votes)
- The Closer (4%, 45 Votes)
- Fairly Legal (2%, 28 Votes)
- Common Law (2%, 25 Votes)
- The Secret Circle (2%, 19 Votes)
- Ringer (1%, 17 Votes)
- Gossip Girl (1%, 15 Votes)
- Awake (1%, 13 Votes)
- Alcatraz (1%, 6 Votes)
- Bent (0%, 5 Votes)
- NYC 22 (0%, 5 Votes)
- One Tree Hill (0%, 5 Votes)
- GCB (0%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 715

Just want to thank the cast for such a wonderful job they did in filming Merlin, I wish it would have continued or changed the ending as they did through out the whole story line! Such a depressing and sad ending on Christmas Eve that I never thought it would end like that! Very disappointed wish they would have had a better ending NOT HAPPY but thank you again to such wonderful actors especially Colin Morgan and Bradley James Phenomenal Job!!!
I only voted for 3, The Closer, Fairly Legal & Merlin.
So not ready to say goodbye. Best show on TV hands down!
LEVERAGE!!! that was THE BEST CON EVER!! hoping that USA NETWORK will pick it up so this great show can continue on!
yes!, let’s go steal another network!!! I’m with you on this 🙂 this show can’t go it is too good!!!
I can’t believe u r gettin rid ov Leverage…. Plz keep goin wiv Leverage next yr
I love leverage and I don’t want it to end!
Leverage was the best show on TV for more than just 2012 it has been the best show on TV for the last FIVE years!
I’m sad to see it go, but I am hoping another network will pick up the series, or that TNT will realize what they did and pick it up again!
Leverage was one of the best shows that we had to say a bitter sweet goodbye to. We lost such a great cast, crew, director, producer and writers. We will miss you all. Thanks for a great five years.
Leverage is a great show and deserves a longer run – hope another network will pick it up………….
Leverage! You will me missed!
I liked or loved a few of these shows – but it’s all about LEVERAGE!! Unbelievable they would cancel it with the fan following and numbers it was still getting!
We should have never had to say Farewell to this great show. Sure wish TNT would Re think this . I want my Leverage.
Leverage is the only decent show with a message of justice! I have taken a poll of my own (42 to be exact) and it seems that majority of people that likes Leverage are those that are not selfish. Age range of poll from 22-58. If they had more episodes like those in season 1-3 and most of season 5 then I think there would be a season 6 with the entire cast. Farewell Nate, Hardison, Eliott and Parker!
As sad as I am to see Merlin end I do think it’s time had come but the same cannot be said for Leverage. I too think TNT have made a massive mistake. Anyway I’d just like to say well done to the cast and crew of both shows and to say thank you for five brilliant years.
Fairly Legal
Keep voteing, tweeting / it will work!!!!