In our fourteenth day of competition (only two more days remain for round one!), two classic shows square off as Klink and Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes face Cagney and Lacey! But I suspect the latter matchup will attract more voters as two enormous fandoms clash. Supernatural’s Dean and Sam versus Sherlock and Watson is a battle that could have easily taken place in this bracket’s finals, but fate/ determined the duos would face each other in round one.
Our day 11 matchups just ended – be sure to check out the results and all our current matchups here! The winning duos will advance to the next round (which will launch in three days!).
You can find a full list of upcoming TV duos matchups here (edited to show our first half of round one eliminations!). Round one matchups are in teal. Each of the round one matchups will be open for 72 hours (3 days), so spread the word quickly so your favorite pairs will make it into the next round! Fans have used Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, forums, Reddit, blogs, and chatboxes to get the word out about past polls. Our toolbar at the bottom of the page has lots of quick links to help you share this post!
Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 1.27
- Cagney and Lacey - Cagney & Lacey (59%, 61 Votes)
- Klink and Schultz - Hogan's Heroes (41%, 43 Votes)
Total Voters: 104

Which is your favorite TV duo? Round 1.28
- Dean and Sam - Supernatural (58%, 164 Votes)
- Sherlock and Watson - Sherlock (42%, 119 Votes)
Total Voters: 283

Why is this poll closed?! It was only posted today, wasn’t it?
The poll is still open – did you already vote? You can only vote once. Also, sometimes the poll won’t load properly, but refreshing the page usually fixes the problem.
No, I didn’t vote yesterday, it looked closed as soon as I clicked on the page, but it’s working today and I’ve just voted. Must have been some sort of a glitch?