Jason O’Mara Joins CBS Ralph Lamb Pilot, Salli Richardson is Downwardly Mobile – TVLine

Well, it looks like Terra Nova stars aren’t holding out much hope for a Netflix revival, as another one has joined a pilot (for a show I very much doubt will make it to series). In my opinion, Terra Nova would be a terrible choice for Netflix’s initial resurrections. It doesn’t have enough of a cult following. In fact, this article lists a bunch of scifi-bent shows that would be a better choice for the digital streaming service.

Netflix succeeds because of the classics – shows, whether new or old, that people will continue watching and talking about for years to come. Terra Nova doesn’t have that yet, and likely never will. Arrested Development does, as do many of the shows mentioned on the list above.

In other news, Eureka’s Salli Richardson and Missourian Greg Cromer (who you may remember as Community’s “doctor who is so skilled at pottery that he makes Jeff jealous” – before he turns into a zombie, that is) will play a rich couple turned poor on Downwardly Mobile.

Jason O’Mara Joins CBS Ralph Lamb Pilot – TVLine.

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