
Hi, I’m Katie Hart, a freelance writer and a huge fan of story in many forms. Thanks to Hulu, Netflix, and now actually living in an area where I get TV reception, I’m enjoying a bunch of currently airing TV shows and catching up on some old ones I missed. I created this site to share my thoughts about the shows I love (or even hate), and I hope you’ll join in the conversation by leaving comments!

Navigation tip: Near the top of the page, right under the site title and ad, you’ll find the categories. Every post is sorted by genre and focus TV show. So if you want every post that focuses on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hover over “Speculative” and click the link for the show. On the right sidebar, you’ll find tags under “Popular Topics” and “Other Topics” (partway down the page). So if you want to find every single post that references Supernatural in some way, click the link in the right sidebar.

Every post will have only one or two categories, but may have a dozen or more tags (especially the Trends and Topics posts).

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy exploring the site!




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